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Hi! I have been a visitor on this forum a few times and I would like to say thank you for all the wonderful information everyone provides here! Dante' (CAG) is the newest member to our family.My husband had previous experience with African Grey (his sister's) and we also have our beautiful and wonderful baby, Flame (Sun Conure) My husband and son really wanted an AG and after much research online including this website... we got Dante' from an individual. Dante' arrived home with us this Wednesday. I was told by his previous family that he will be 7yo in the winter of this year which I am not so sure is accurate but that's ok because Dante' has come home to roost! He seems to have accepted me (regurgitate and does a little jig for me in the am and when I get home from work) and he has accepted my 7yo son ( no regurgitation but dances with my son and has shared a few words with him) still working on my husband (he will step up for him and accept treats but will not talk in front of him or allow him to touch his head or body other than of course his feet). My 14yo daughter has held him also and even heard a word or two:).

He seems to be adjusting well so far. Making an appt. Monday to go for first vet visit:)...btw he really needs it...forgot to mention even though I did a lot of research...I went with my heart instead of my research and brought Dante' home with us.... he has plucking/ chewing/feather issues... there was just something special about Dante'...or maybe it's because of my background as Mom and nurse...I just feel like Dante' is special and needs some TLC. The previous family was feeding him bright colored pellets (looked like fruitty pebbles)and seeds...he is now eating Harrison's High potency and fresh vegs and fruit and tolerating it well so hopefully change in diet will help...will find out from vet:). His wings are not clipped so debating on having this done for his safety...again going to ask vet. He is out of his house at least 6hours daily now and was shy at first but adjusting well. Of course any advice from experienced owners would be helpful...thank you in advance:-). Just excited to have Dante' join our family:)!

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Hello Linda and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you have adopted Dante and have given him a new forever home.

I too have a sun conure along with my grey and then a cockatiel was added just recently, it showed up in my backyard one day, I never was able to find the owners so it is part of my flock now. Suns are great little companions and one of the brightest colored of the parrot world.

You are doing the right thing in taking Dante to be checked out by an avian vet as it is possible that there is a medical reason for his plucking problem but if not then we have some knowledgeable members here who may be able to shed some light on why he does it. It could just be that he was not given the attention he needs or desires in his former home but greys will pluck for many reasons and sometimes it is hard to pinpoint why.

If you have read some of the threads here you will see that a lot of us are against wing clipping, after all they were born with wings and therefore meant to fly but do ask your vet even though a lot of them will say to clip the wings especially if you have young children in the house for they are notorious for leaving doors ajar. Please do read the threads on clipping wings before you go to the vet so you can be more informed and decide for yourself whether Dante will be clipped or not. Some here are passionate about not clipping wings but each grey owner has to make that decision for their self and no one should criticize you for your decision if you decide you have to clip his wings.

It sounds like Dante has started settling into his new home already but realize that greys who come from previous owners usually come with baggage and he has not unpacked his yet so be prepared to see more of his true personality as time goes on, not trying to scare you but just be prepared if he doesn't stay as sweet as he is right now as this is the honeymoon phase. It will help to read as many of the threads about rehomed greys that you can as you will find similar situations that may provide a look into what you are facing and maybe solutions.

Thats excellent that he is eating Harrison's High Potency pellets, your vet will probably be very pleased with that as many do recommend Harrisons pellets and good that he is eating veggies, more veggies than fruit and do have a look around the bird food room for other suggestions for what to feed Dante to give him a well balanced diet.

We love pictures here so if you have some of Dante you would share with us we would love to see him even if he is plucked as we see the inner beauty of a grey and I have never met an ugly one yet.

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Hi Judy! Thanks! I am really glad I found this forum because it has such great information from experienced owners. I will be exploing it more now:) I understand Dante' may have baggage...but we come with baggage too so I believe with patience,time and some education (primarily for the humans in the house) we will be able to accept and adjust...and I will definately check out any rehomed threads for information...and the bird food room too!! I am learning his body language too..so hopefully I will find more information on that...trying to give him lots of attention but at the same time give him his space(and my children are doing really great at being patient, slow and respectful with Dante') Hopefully the vet will give him a clean bill of health. My primary concern about the feather destruction is not cosmetic but his health (physical and/or mental)...because Dante' is beautiful and amazing!! And of course so is Flame (Sun Conure)...he is just a loveable fellow. Thanks again for the welcome!

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Time and patience are what is key to living with a grey in the house for you can't rush bonding or the trust you build with your grey, it has to be earned but it sounds like you are off to a great start and you should do fine.

Flame is an appropriate name for a sun conure, I named my sun Sunny and I think it is one of the most popular names for that particular species of conure, how old is Flame, Sunny is getting close to 6 years old now.

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Hi Linda, very nice introduction to Dante and your family. There are some "sticky" threads in the Grey Lounge Room that address clipping vs. non-clipping. Please give them I read before you make a decision about clipping Dante. This is a personal decision for everyone but it is nice to be informed about the pros and cons. I look forward to seeing some pictures of Dante and Flame. Welcome to the Grey family!!!

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So it took me a little bit to figure out the picture uploading and hopefully I got it right. This is Dante' and Flame.Dante' was posing for the camera:). Flame is riding on my son's back. Flame is 9months old...still a baby:) and quiet a character. Well, we have had breakfast and mist shower this morning...so going to hang with my guys for the day. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome...and again for all the post of great info. Have a wonderful day!

summer 2010 062.jpg


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Update...well Dante' is adjusting nicely so far. However, he is doing mating dance quite frequently whenever I am around. Sometimes he will even slide down his cage and crawl into my bed...regurgitate while doing the mating dance and panting. He will not step up on my arm...just with one foot will grab my finger...so what I have been doing is putting on my robe...because he likes to step up on a towel from his cage per previous family... and take him to his cage and let him step up to the top of his cage. However sometimes even when I am talking to him while he is standing on his door he will do the same thing.


He is doing better with my husband...except my husband says Dante' acts different when I am around. I was just wondering if anyone can give me any advise as to what I need to do. I clean his cage daily, feed him fresh in am and pm and pellets with sunshine factor are available all the time. On my days off I mist him with Rain Tropical spray twice daily. His door to his house is left open all day when I am home so he can come and go as he pleases. And of course shower him with attention. Perhaps too much??


My husband says when I am not around that Dante' will step up for him...and is now letting him rub his beak every now and then but won't let my husband touch his head. He said Dante' will take treats from him when I am not around. However, as soon as I am within sight or earshot...Dante' will only step up for my husband and will not take treats and will not let him rub his beaK. I want Dante' to enjoy everyone in our family...perhaps I should show a little less attention to Dante' which would be very hard...but perhaps if I let my husband show more attention than me...Dante' behavior might change? Any advise would be appreciated:).


Anyhow, Dante' is talking up a storm every now and then. Every time I clean his house I hear "whatcha doin" and I reply cleaning which he replies "really". He and my son continue to dance in the evenings before bedtime...with Dante' on his door doing a little jig and my son dancing in front of cage and every now and then they have short conversations:) which my son loves. My husband said one afternoon he had Dante's door open and he fell asleep to be awaken by Dante' chewing on his toe....hahaha. My daughter acts like she is not so interested in Dante' but my husband said she had him on her arm talking to him today...and since she has wanted to be a vet since she was 5yo..is now talking about specializing as avian...since we do not have any board certified avian vets in SC. Gidget my Boston Terrier is adjusting too..she was curious about Dante' and wanted to get a sniff in...which he tolerated from a short distance but Gidget does not know personal space..but Dante' let her know where his personal space is...and Gidget now respects it. He is a great Grey and a wonderful family member...just need to get some advice so he does not get hormonally stressed out with all the mating rituals...


Thanks in advance and just wanted everyone to know I am enjoying reading all the posts here...getting great ideas from ya'll:)...not clipping his wings and letting Flame's flight wings grow too!! Also thanks to ya'll we are working on a homemade playstand made from crepe myrtle tree:)...Ya'll are FabUlous!

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Hi this is good, Dante has picked you s his prospective mate, you mustn't touch him any ware except his beak, head and stepping up, cut his awake hours to 10-10,1/2 hours a day, [shorter days]. A gray will single out one person to bond with, it appears he's chosen you, there's nothing you can do...If you spend less time with him, he'll just seek you out more.. It sound like your whole family has a good relationship with him...This is all normal...Jayd

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Thanks Jayd! It is nice to know that this is normal behavior...and that I don't have to spend less time with Dante'. He is a special guy and the only other male that my husband would ever say "ok...go see your other husband" about..LOL!! Will definately only touch his head, beak and stepping up. Again thank you...you're the best.

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