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Mealy Amazon


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Okay, so I have recently come across a 23 year old Mealy Amazon. He is absolutely gorgeous. Though from what I've heard about his past he is going to need a loving home. From what I've heard he has been in a home with multiple birds, and never really got a chance to be out. The reason they got rid of it is because he does not liked to be touched. They have grandchildren and they are worried that at some point the kids are going to forget they can't touch him and they don't want them getting bit.


I'm willing to give him a loving home and just looking for some thoughts and comments about what I would be taking on. Any info you could give to help me out would be most appreciated, and I've been reading up on them a bit.


Though one major question I have, is I already have my TAG and am kind of worried how he would react to another bird in the house. None the less in the same room. Though my TAGs previous owners kept him in a cage with a Blue Fronted Amazon most of his life.


So the question is, how would I introduce my TAG to the Mealy? How would I go about it so that he doesn't react negatively? (though I know how greys can be lol)

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Hi, A Mealy is usually one of the friendliest Zon's, and get along with every one. What you need to do is treat you TAG as number 1, which he is, Always speak to your TAG first, give him his food first, new toy's first, play with him first, he' #1. Most of the time, they'll ignore each other, A TAG is a little more easy going then a CAG..Here's a link to info on a Mealy. Thanks, good birds. Jayd


Edited by Jayd
correct spelling
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My passion is definitely animals. And I think I do the right thing most of the time. Though I'm no expert by any means nor do I claim to be, I just do what I think is right by my gut instinct lol

Gut instinct, a couple of question's and a little research, makes you a expert to your own needs....... Great job...Jayd

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Oh I love these Amazons! I was trying really hard to find one here in Spain before we got Diego but they are not as popular here as the other speices of Amazons. However, we have Diego a Blue Fronted and he is perfect in every way, so no regrets.


From what I can gather the Mealy is one of the calmer Amazons, bless him, if he has not been handled much and had to fight for attention over other birds, then even the sweetest of natured parrot will not show their true colours. I'm sure that with the love your giving him, it won't be long before his real personality comes through. :)


Would love to see some photos of him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ugh, as much as I hate to say this... Gizmo will most likely not be coming home with me. I've thought long and hard on it. While I'd be able to give him a loving home where'd he'd have everything he ever needed, I can not financially make the leap to buy him. I hit a rough patch this past couple weeks where it drained me of pretty much all my money I had saved for gizmo. Car insurance, deductible for my car to get fixed because of that damn deer, mortgage, standard bills, and property taxes all hanged up on me these past 2 weeks. Its disappointing and I'm not to happy about it.


This tops off the cake. There is a lady who is interested in him. But she can barely afford the 30+ plus birds she already owns. Yes that's right... 30+ birds. Mainly all parrots of the larger variety. She is still paying off the grey she bought over a year ago. She does not know what she is doing and has no knowledge about the birds she owns, nor does she treat them as "flock members" but with more of the alpha dog mentality that doesn't exist in the parrot world. All her birds despise her and bite her constantly. Her solution to this behavior... pushing them off her shoulder or flicking them in the beak.


I truly want to strangle this woman. Okay I should probably stop ranting about her before I get too nasty. Though plus side, my TAG bit the hell outta her before I bought him.. and I laughed directly at her. Maybe I didn't go about That particular situation correctly. But I couldn't help myself because of the irony involved.

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There is a lady who is interested in him. But she can barely afford the 30+ plus birds she already owns. Yes that's right... 30+ birds. Mainly all parrots of the larger variety. She is still paying off the grey she bought over a year ago. She does not know what she is doing and has no knowledge about the birds she owns, nor does she treat them as "flock members" but with more of the alpha dog mentality that doesn't exist in the parrot world. All her birds despise her and bite her constantly. Her solution to this behavior... pushing them off her shoulder or flicking them in the beak.



You aren't alone in this matter as I would want to do bodily harm to her too, she is a hoarder pure and simple and should not have even one bird since she mistreats them, she has no idea of how to handle and keep birds and probably doesn't give a rat's patootie about it either, these are the kind of people who who make me so mad I could blow steam. I wonder if you could report her, its worth a try for she definitely should not have those birds, I feel so sorry for them but not for her.

I am sorry it didn't work out for you to get this bird but life makes demands and we have to take care of them and put something we really wanted on hold to get later but you never know what life holds for you and the near future could bring something really wonderful, sometimes when one door closes another one opens.

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I am really sorry to hear that Gizmo is not joining your family.


I can not financially make the leap to buy him.


I wish that everyone that purchased or adopted a parrot would think about the financial side of keeping these wonderful birds. Although it is obviously very frustrating for you to not be in the position to give Gizmo a new home, you have been very considerate and sensible with your decision. There are so many parrot owners who cannot afford their feathered friends and it is often the birds that suffer especially if they require a vet but the bills cannot be paid. Like Judygram said, when one door closes another opens.


With regards to this woman keeping 30+ birds without the correct conditions and care is verging on abuse and agree that maybe this woman could be reported. It really gets me why people decide to keep birds as trophies rather than for being companions?

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I'm sorry you are unable to get the amazon you would like to have. As for the lady with the numerous parrots, out of curiosity have you seen the conditions these parrots are living in or is this just hearsay? If you have seen the condition firsthand, perhaps you can educate her on the proper care and feeding of these magnificent creatures. Just a thought.

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Though I know not to rely on truth from hearsay conversations, part of it is. I've physically seen the way she treats her birds, and how they interact with her. And I've heard her talking about struggling with being able to afford them. Like I said she will be having to make monthly payments on gizmo who is only being sold for $299.99.... I Just can't imagine what her house looks like. Not that many extremely large homes in this area. Which she would need for all those poor creatures.

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