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Grey got strangled.


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Sanggay I have to say you have a weird sense of humor as I almost didn't watch the video for I feared it was about a grey who got caught in something and died but you need to word your threads a little more carefully or you will cause a few of us to have a heart attack, mine was in my throat for a moment then I realized it was just one of your goofy moments with Cocoa. She is a good sport to allow that hand to go around her neck in strangulation style, thanks for sharing that with us for even though it make me gasp in horror at first glance it made me laugh.

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Some people got upset over this video. This is meant to be a joke. Cocoa was never hurt in the "strangulation." I posted on forums where people know Cocoa and I.

Why don't they have sense of humor? Most enjoyed the joke even though they found the title is offending. I was criticized for abusing Cocoa.


Only morons would use my joke to kill their parrots.

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