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My diary of the first days with my"foster" grey


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Below is my experience with a grey I am fostering as his owners were not found...the whole of ireland was searched from top to bottom with no owner in sight...so he will stay with me until his owners turn up or if not he will have a forever home with me...


I had planned to get a grey in the coming months but fate brought me this wonderful grey instead!!!



My first days with an African grey


Having read a huge many articles and books about the African grey i had many ideas of how they might behave or react in different circumstances-truth be told i am finding out they really are like a 3 year old child...predictable to a degree but you never quite know what they are about to come out with! Like a parent of a child too there is the worry. I wish someone had told me when I had a child to be prepared to worry about them every second of every day...same goes for a large parrot! Here’s just some of the things I worried about today:


Is he eating enough?too much?

Have I given him enough attention?too much attention?

Is he too cold?too hot?

Is he safe in his cage? (I tried to imagine how he might possibly be able to pick the lock from the inside!)

Does he need a bath?Have I sprayed him one too many times for his liking?

Are we being too loud around him?or too quiet?

Does he have enough toys with him?

What TV channel should I put on if I leave?

Is he in enough of a routine, is the routine too strict?

Will the open window be fresh air or a draught for him?


All these things I considered and a million more in the first 24 hours of him coming to our house. All of which he was totally oblivious to as he is too busy chatting and taking the world of our house in. What immediately struck me upon bringing him home is a huge feeling of responsibility-but not one like when you start a new job and have to do well-like one of having a child and being so excited to care for them and someday if ever reap the rewards for your efforts...it is a wonderful feeling to be responsible for and the guardian of such an amazing being. I have PR constantly in my mind every time I approach him....positive reinforcement....everything he does that’s good get’s big praise and the undesirable parts get ignored like with my toddler or just a crisp no and distraction! I always have a treat to hand in case he does something I want him to do again.


Although its just about 48hours he’s in our home he has told us very quickly the way he works...for instance he sat on the back of my chair happily last night and I had the idea to attach a perch to it for him....the second i had the perch in hand and move towards him he stepped away....hmmm....i asked if he wanted the perch to sit on he shook his head and as my hand had wandered further than i intended while asking(as i tell him everything before i do it eg. Get ready to stand-when on my shouklder, there’ll be a loud noise etc.)he gently but very quickly put his beak to my hand and back in defence mode....we now have reached an agreement and i know if he wants or doesn’t want something...and i also know he will tell me how he feels before he takes my finger off which is very reassuring...i am just making sure to always watch his body language and discuss with him if i do something he has to do and coaxing so far and gentle words have really worked...(and of course cedar nuts and grape!)


Another thing I still can’t get over is his degree of understanding...there is always a watchful eye on me...and he comments very precisely at the right times on things i do...he lets me know when he wants to play and be chatty and it is very obvious when you watch his body language how he is feeling or when he wants to be left to his own devices...


It is a funny bond we have this far into knowing each other...he has now told me how he wants to be treated and how he will react in certain circumstances so before he has had a chance to put a beak near me we are on to a happy game or a cuddle. He nods when i laugh and he closes his eyes when i pretend to go asleep...we are friends at the least today but he has a different kind of affection for my daughter and my other half cormac...we really are like a flock and it’s clear the position each of us holds within it...catherine rose is the younger sibling he looks out for and i am the one with s on my forehead(the slave to his needs..hahaha) and cormac is his mate(so far he’s regurgitated on cormac and when he walks into the room mr. Greys eyes light up and he says every word he knows trying to look good to get his attention....it’s very amusing really!!!


Other things i was struck by in our first days together is the physical presence mr. Grey has...apart from being very aware of his beak in the first while when he sits on my shoulder and stretches i can feel the strength in him and how powerful he is...this is a nice feeling as he is completely calm and if he didn’t want to be there i would know all about it...so already there’s a wee bit of trust there....


One very odd thing i’ve noticed is although many have said how messy grey’s can be In our experience so far he is MUCH less messy than our kakarikis...they fire seed all over the room, they tear paper to shreds, they poop EVERYWHEREand they are generally messy messy birds!!!mr. grey yes does bigger poops but he is pretty confined with them and as they occur less often are easier to spot and remove asap....also he isn’t at the stage yet of firing food (no idea if he will start this!) so we are having little to no trouble in keeping his cage and spaces clean...


I have no idea how long Mr. Grey will be with us but he fits very well into our family


...this all sounds very well and perhaps i have the rose tinted glasses on but i think to a very big degree it’s down to this individual grey the experience i/we have had...If i was to go back and change anything i wouldn’t.....the only advice i can give to anyone who is in the first days of owning their grey or about to get one is to READ....reading huge amounts about behaviour and body language as well as food nutrition and how to deal with different issues plus talking to people who own greys and having a support network of people around(through forums or personal acquaintances) makes a huge difference and was the only way i would even consider owning/taking in a grey.


What has armed me for everything in the first two days that were crucial were:


Knowing a parrots/greys body language-how to tell signs of aggression/excitement/fear...

Knowing how to handle a parrot/grey-how to ask for step up without having fingers taken off!

Knowing how to distract a parrot/grey-with treats and soft words

Knowing what is likely to make a parrot/grey afraid/insecure-appropriate cage placement...not coming at him from above or behind

Knowing how to get a parrot/grey to do what you want...this is the tricky part...read about lots of ways people coax their birds!

And lastly but most importantly-knowing how to create a stable bond-always doing things the same way, being respectful, always being positive, having huge patience...

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What a perfect home to have landed in! :)


You are doing everything right. Just don't be too shocked if you start seeing a few changes in his personality as he becomes more confident in his new home, flock and surroundings. Right now he is still in the honeymoon mode and is stusying you much more than you have studied him, I 'm positive. he is watching and listening like a hawk. They are just so damn smart, that in a few more days or a week, he will have the entire environment figured out and will start asserting himself where he knows he can. He will also start testing so be on the lookout at all times in regards his body language. Based on what you have said in regards his language and cognitive skills and also the eye coloring, he is not a baby grey for sure and is probably at a minimum of 3 or more years old.


It is great that you are truly trying your hardest to find his heart broken owners. There is no doubt this was a very well taken care of Grey from your description of his mannerisms.


Your doing a GreYt job, keep it up! :) I am looking forward to hearing many more updates on him.

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hi snoozy...ii am doubting this is the same bird for a few reasons...firstly this birds was lost in february....this grey was found in august...also the bird in the picture looks alot younger(am i wrong in seeing blackish eyes?) and nothing really like the grey i have...the grey i have is at least 4 years old if not older...the person also says they contacted everyone and put posts up on net....all ads for lost parrots in ireland have been replied to....thanks though and if anyone sees anything like my guy do let me know : o)

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