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Cocoa Rocks

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Cocoa is a CAG. My Daddy's bird that I inherited, in all honesty when we brought Cocoa home, I was petrified ... I was scared I'd do something wrong ... I was worried that I might be bitten. And clearly I was thinking this is the craziest thing to do and it was

What to do what to do ... I would use a perch to get Cocoa away from the cage onto the T-stand every day so I could clean the cage, change the food and water, I'd use the perch to take Cocoa outside to walk on the lawn and back to the cage. If Cocoa moved towards my hand on the perch while I was carrying it I would quickly take hold of the other side and move the closest hand away.


After about two weeks of doing this, one morning Cocoa sat on a perch inside the cage and just looked at me for the longest time I then consciously began to spend time sitting near the cage talking, then with the bars between us I began giving little tidbits and eventually I was brave enough to stick my finger in and scratch. We trundled off to an Avian Vet and I peppered him about the hows and the whys,


Things just got better and better since then now Cocoa and I are practically inseparable. The first words Cocoa picked up in our home 'Cocoa Rocks'. When the washing machine sings it's little song, Cocoa is ready to go, we hang the washing up together, Cocoa is on the back of my chair when we're watching TV, on the back of my chair when we're eating dinner. I don't get bitten like the menfolk in my home, instead I get tapped with the curve of the beak which indicates what I'm doing is not good.


Cocoa is simply the best thing that could ever have happened to me. When Cocoa came home I was going through a rough Lupus (SLE) flare and had just begun chemo which was ravaging my body, draining my soul and desire to be around.

I have these really bright red cheeks (malar rash) and people often stare at me when I leave my home but I think Cocoa thinks I'm a beautiful specimen with my gorgeous markings. My baby makes me feel so special and is so gentle with me, I often get food given to me and these very excited almost under the breath noises when we're playing. I'm loving it


I cannot even begin to describe the boost Cocoa has given my self-confidence and how good life feels now. Health and happiness to you and yours

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Welcome! How wonderful that you and Cocoa have established a nice relationship, and that you are taking such good care of your dad's feathered friend. How old is Cocoa?

You have come to the right place to share your love for your grey, we are all a bunch of grey lovers here! I have only had mine about 1 year, but there are many people on the forum who are very knowledgeable & are very happy to share info. & answer any questions you may have.

Please add a picture of Cocoa when you get a chance, we would love to see him!

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Thank you for the wonderful introduction...Cocoa sounds wonderful..We share sle, and our fid's are empathetical also, they seem to understand don't they, you are beautiful... Jayd


Note: If you haven't read this yet, it's a listing of popular threads and helpful posts...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..

Edited by Jayd
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Hello CocoaRocks and welcome to our family, so glad you could take in your father's grey and continue to give it love and attention that your Dad obviously did and now you are being rewarded for your hard work.

You are beautiful and Cocoa sees that, I think it was meant for you two to be together, he is doing wonders for your self confidence and he knows he has someone who loves him as much as his former owner so the both of you are truly blessed.

You can glean much knowledge from our many threads so do browse thru them at your leisure and don't hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We would dearly love to see some pictures of Cocoa if you have any you would share with us.

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That is a sweet pic of the two of you going for a kiss, it shows the love you have for one another.

I must comment on the other picture, is that tree your son is on with Cocoa outside or in an enclosed area for I don't see any type of harness on Cocoa, even if he is clipped he could take flight if he catches a breeze or is spooked, I would hate for him to escape, not chastising you but just calling it to your attention.

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Thanks for the tip. It is a tree outside in the backyard. Cocoa is clipped and doesn't fly very far, probably not even two feet but I will keep your advice in mind didn't think it that way and I'd hate anything bad to happen. Because of cats in the neighbourhood I never leave Cocoa unattended outside or near an open window. The clipping was done by the Avian Vet in our area, the first three wing feathers are left intact and the following four are clipped vertically, he only takes the feathers off and leaves the vein part behind, he told me the horizontal wing clipping method can cause complications. I'm not keen on clipping however the alternative isn't possible I have two young boys in the house who don't really think before they do anything, the other being we live in South Africa and the climate here is warm which which means that doors and windows are open almost all year round, also I believe in good old fashioned airing of my home. Maybe one day when my boys are grown up I'll be able to turn one of the bedrooms into a bird room, I'm amazed at the number of bird owners I've seen on the forum with bird rooms. I'm a tad green to say the least.

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Cocoa is clipped and doesn't fly very far, probably not even two feet but I will keep your advice in mind didn't think it that way and I'd hate anything bad to happen.


You would be amazed how far a clipped bird can fly if they are spooked especially if the wind is right, maybe look at getting him a harness so he can join you outside without the worry :)

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  • 6 months later...

@ judygram and GoDiego - I need to thank you both for making me aware of the possibility of Cocoa flying away because this led me to articles on what to do if this should happen which I shared with my sister as she has a Conure, this also immediately put an end to Cocoa's outdoor excursions.

However when Cocoa spooked on Thursday and flew out the house, my sister was able to guide me through most of what we had read. I certainly wasn't in any condition to cope with her loss at the time

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I'm just glad to hear she was found safe and sound, I imagine it was just like losing a child while she was gone and I know I would have been frantic with worry too if my Josey had gone missing like Cocoa, I won't tell you I told you so for you know that now, thanks for sharing your story of the whole ordeal with us as it may prevent another bird from escaping.

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