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vulture escaped !!


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Gandalf the Vulture


WARNINGS were issued to aircraft over Scotland after GandalfGandalf a lady vulture escaped from a a bird of prey centre. Gandalf is capable of soaring at heights of more than 30,000 feet and could pose a threat to aircraft. The Rueppell's Griffon Vulture - which has a wingspan of 10ft - was flying in a display at World of Wings in Cumbernauld when it was caught in a gust of wind. The bird's handlers Watched helpless as their star attraction flew higher in to the sky.


"Gandalf is an absolute monster bird with a 10-and-a-half foot wingspan.


"She poses a genuine threat to airplanes." Said David Richie who runs the centre


The centre specialises in promoting the plight of vultures, which are becoming increasingly endangered across the world.

Lets hope Gandalf comes back home soon and stops frightening Jumbo Jets and the Like

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If any uk`ers see Gandalf heres a number to call!! i think the usa girls and guys are safe for now ;)





You may have heard on the local media that Gandalf went missing during one of our daily demonstrations this week. We are receiving many

calls from the general public with sightings (thank you!!), however many of these sightings are actually of native British birds.



Before you call us with a sighting please read the following before calling us

on 07946 564517 or 01236 722999


Gandalf: IS MASSIVE! Has a 9 foot wingspan with finger-tip like feathers on the end of very broad wings. His beak is quite short, as is his tail.





Grey Heron: Has a very large wingspan but the beak is long and pointed and the legs trail behind the tail while in flight.




Common Buzzard: Has a 3 foot wingspan and is much much smaller than Gandalf. Gandalf is unlikely to be seen sitting on fence posts.

A common buzzard stands approximately 1.25 feet tall whereas Gandalf stands nearly 2.5 feet tall.



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Yes i have news as follows..


The vulture was spotted hanging around near an old brickworks in nearby Falkirk.

Joanna Timson, one of the falconers at World of Wings, said: "She's back with us safe and sound. We got her back on Saturday night but we wanted a vet to check her.

"She had lost a pound (450 grammes) in weight. We don't think she ate much while she was away. She was so pleased to see us that she flew straight towards us when we got out of a van at the site where she was spotted."

Timson said C was back performing in public displays, exhausted but on form having slept off her adventures most of Sunday.



I`m so glad she is back safe and sound good news!! sure had some flight time :)


http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ggbPX4InUjn1cQMTl9LLJqgjOUcQ (the link)

Edited by Lex
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Yes i have news as follows..


The vulture was spotted hanging around near an old brickworks in nearby Falkirk.

Joanna Timson, one of the falconers at World of Wings, said: "She's back with us safe and sound. We got her back on Saturday night but we wanted a vet to check her.)

Oh that is good news! So glad she is safely home.



"She had lost a pound (450 grammes) in weight.


Gee Whizz - that's a whole Alfie!! Hope she puts it back on again ok.

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What a wonderful ending. It is so surprising that that actually got her back. They can soar hundreds of miles a day.


Having Vultures and other massive birds aloft here in California is just a daily event with pilots always aware of them. During migration months, there are literally thousands of these birds soaring over.

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