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Billy & Echo's Homemade Playstand


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Here is a photo of my 2's playstand me and Hughie made. It's branches from an ash tree and lots of fun things to do.




Here is their castle that Hughie designed



And their King Kong swing lol



Will take a more up to date photo of the whole set up tomorrow :)

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What a great set up! ! You guys with room to give over to the birds. My house is so small my poor guys are forced to swing from the lampshades for fun.


What did you use for the ladder, which is very cool btw? I like that it's so big & colorful.


Do your birds use the swing (also cool) on the floor? I don't know how to make that read the way I mean it... I'm surprised to see a swing that doesn't have any height to it. Would you move it for them to play on?

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Thank you for the comments. This is our sitting room but we don't mind.

The big ladder was bought as it was half price on offer! :)


Yes they use the swing on the floor, especially Billy as he loves swings! It gets moved around the room so they can get on it and use it.

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