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Hi all,


I have been reading lots of the forums. There is some really great info here.


We have a new CAG named Stella. She is 13 weeks old, we got her when she was 8 weeks old. We had a Blue Fronted Amazon for 20 years who died on July 4th. We have always wanted a CAG and really needed a new bird.


Stella is really sweet. She likes all of our family members, which is great since Margo bit everyone but my husband and I. SHe is learning to fly and is so graceful. She is still hand feeding, only at night, she absolutely won't take a morning feed no matter what. We still have her in her little baby cage, we are slowly outfitting her big cage so that she has lots to do. Now that it is summer there are people here all day and she is out of her cage a lot. When school starts she will be alone more, although my husband works at home and he is getting a perch with a playpen for his office so she can hang with him.

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Hello Leilac and welcome to our family, how wonderful you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Stella.

So sorry to hear of the passing of your amazon but glad you have fulfilled your dream of owning a Cag, what a journey you are starting with Stella.

We are very proud of the members we have here and you won't find a better bunch of knowledgeable people than right here so do read thru as many of the threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We love pictures here so if you have some of Stella you would share with us we would love to see them.

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THanks for all the welcomes! I tried to upload a picture but was not successful. She is growing and changing so fast that I already need new ones. I will try again with my husband who is much more computer savvy. I use Safari, maybe I should try Foxfire...

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Not great, more of an experiment. This was taken with my iPhone at home. Looks like Firefox is the way to go here. I had trouble with Safari.


She is so vocal with little cheeps, she totally knows when we wake up in the morning. I feel that she could still benefit from twice daily handfeeding but in the morning she is too excited to settle down to eat and I find she eats way more in the evening when I just feed her once. She is just 13 weeks old. Any opinions?


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She is a beautiful thing sitting there on the top of the chair in all her glory, you must be very proud of her. Yes she knows if she wants the handfeeding or not and usually the night time one is the last to go, something about needing a warm belly before retiring for the night. She is anxious for the day to start, to get out and play than to eat so if she is holding her weight then she is doing fine, she looks fine from the pic as she is healthy looking.

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