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Her flying is sooo funny :P


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I try not to laugh but she is so funny! Yoshi is making big improvements over the last two weeks learning how to fly, but she is so funny it's hard not to laugh :P


She can manage a short, simple flight as long as she doesn't have to maneuver much. Last week, Yoshi often missed her mark and flew immediately to the floor and looked to be picked up. Then last weekend she started flying from the floor back to the nearest location we usually put her by herself. Then this week, she has made the biggest improvement making slight corrections to land on her destination and even flying up some, gaining altitude :) Yesterday, she knew I was close so she flew out of her room looking for me, and I held my hand out for her as she headed straight for me. Crazy bird still totally missed my hand and arm and flew all the way into the next room. I thought she was going to land on the floor and call for me but she made a wide turn in the room and flew back, crash-landing onto my outstretched arm. She was panting and exhausted, but looked happy as can be :P It's nice seeing her make her little hop-flaps to get around her huge cage easier and flapping easily from her cage to my hand and back. She still hesitates before every flight, you can tell it takes a lot out of her, but she keeps on improving every day :) I love that she is learning to fly :) About time!


Wing pictures:





I'll get some better flying pictures soon I promise :P




Relaxing happy a little while after her shower :) She is still damp... I love her feathers!



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What a wonderful story of learning to fly and the excitement both you and Yoshi get from it. Just that short flight taking the wind out of Yoshi shows just how much more cardio-vascular exercise they get out of even short flights like that. They feel so proud of their accomplishments. You can just see them beaming practically. :)


Thanks for sharing this. It was thrilling just reading it! Go Yoshi Go, Go Yoshi Go!!!

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This is just so precious. I am eagerly watching and waiting for our turn. Kopi hasn't molted out any of his clipped wing feathers yet, but he flaps and flaps for practice. I like that a few grew in at a time so she can do short hop-flights, I can only imagine how fast and wild the flying would be if it came all at once. This gives her a little freedom at a time and she is building up her muscles and stamina. She is such a joy on this forum, and so are you.

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Thanks guys and thanks katana, I love the friendship I have with all of you :)


Since I posted this Yoshi has become quite the flyer! She uses those wings all the time and flies back and forth from her cage to our hands :) this week she has mastered the meaning of 'come here' and 'go back', which has made her flying so convenient for us as well as a joy :) she is cheeky now she has the strength because if we say go back and she doesn't want to she will launch from our hand and fly a big circle and try to come back lol. She still gets winded and pants but definitely better than 3 weeks ago and I can tell she is getting stronger.


It was nice having her get the feathers slowely, although I felt like it took forever! She still has 3 clipped on one side and 4 on the other I think...

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