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10 Pros and Cons to owning a parrot....


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PRO: Parrots make great topics of conversation. In fact, they can make their own conversation!

CON: Birdie heard some bad words and practices them on the Pastor, who has joined you for dinner.


PRO: Parrots can actually be affectionate; it’s recommended that you pet them for ½ hour each day.

CON: The bird didn’t get his quality time yet and repeatedly shrieks, “Help!” The neighbors dial 911.


PRO: As a parrot owner, you have a beautiful exotic pet to show off to your competitive neighbor.

CON: The bird has chosen this point in time to begin molting and looks like he got stuck in a blender.


PRO: You can control the cleanliness of your parrot. In fact, frequent bathing is recommended.

CON: You stick the bird in the shower and he screams death threats at you. The neighbors dial 911.


PRO: Most parrots won’t bite hard unless you ignore their “leave me alone” signals.

CON: You haven’t heeded the parrot’s signals. He finally nails your finger and yells, “Get it NOW?!”


PRO: A parrot will usually quiet down fairly quickly after the cover has been placed on his cage.

CON: You cover the cage against his wishes. He shrieks, “Help! Murder!” The neighbors dial 911.


PRO: Your parrot can develop very convincing responses to certain triggers.

CON: You fall and call for help. The neighbors dial 911. Police refuse to humor that parrot again.


PRO: Parrots like bright, shiny toys and can spend hours entertaining themselves without a sound.

CON: You’ve begged and BEGGED that parrot to tell you where he put your keys. He’s not talking.


PRO: A parrot has the ability to mimic any sound with great clarity.

CON: You hear loud machine gun fire. You and your dinner guests hit the floor. The parrot giggles.


PRO: Parrots, unlike humans, don’t forget anything. They can replay dialogues verbatim.

CON: The new neighbor drops by. Birdie replays your “I don’t like the new neighbor” conversation.


PRO: Parrots have a much longer life expectancy than dogs or cats – sometime up to 80 years.

CON: The 12-year-old cat’s just keeled over. The bird begins singing, “Another One Bites the Dust”.


PRO: Parrots’ antics are often a form of great family entertainment.

CON: Every time you sit down, the parrot pretends to be a whoopie cushion. You’re NOT amused.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (((DEEP BREATH))) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (((DEEP BREATH))) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (((DEEP BREATH))) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Whew! Thanks for the laugh. :)

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