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Thought For The Day


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Lol...that is kind of how I came upon this thought. I was thinking, "He's funny, gentle, and can sometimes get tempermental when things don't go his way and maybe over react a little." OMG...that's me...lol. Then the way he seems to be what ever mood I am in at the majority of times.

Edited by Elvenking
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Your thought of the day has been proven today Elvenking. I was all worked up this morning due to recieving something that was not what I wanted when ordering online and Diego was really grumpy as well. It was not until about an hour after that I thought about what you said and wondered if this was why Diego was acting all funny. After I chilled out, Diego did as well and we had loads of scratches. Proof that your own personal ambiance definitely rubs off onto your parrot. :)

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It is amazing, we may find it difficult to read our feathered friends body language, but they are certainly in tune with us! This brings me onto thought of the day number 2 - "If we can tune into the unspoken like our parrots do with us, a mutual and deep bond will surely follow"

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