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Further Observations of Spock


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Greetings…Spock here….


I have been busy contemplating my navel (figuratively speaking) and I have decided that some observations need to be aired.


Shadow dancing: I have discovered a new life form but haven’t quite figured it out…It occurs in the afternoon and evenings on the wall and it looks similar to me except that it is all black. I can dance and jump around and it follows my steps exactly. It does not speak though….I talk to it and it remains stubbornly quiet. (Although having to listen to that Greenie, Salsa all day, the quiet is appreciated).

The Creature in the Mirror: I have discovered a new life form in the bathroom and it looks exactly like me! I lean forward to beak it and it beaks back. It looks like me but I haven’t decided whether it is a friendly life form. (For one thing, it doesn’t preen me, no matter how hard I try). Another time, it flew off the wall at me after I tried to get it to play with me. It was a rather unsettling moment and I admit to being a little bit scared. Maggie put it back on the wall but it took me a while before I went back to see it…


The Big White Bird: The one they call Tango is a very disrespectful bird. I, as the King, should have a modicum of respect. Instead, while on Jay’s shoulder, she reached over and nipped at my Royal Red Tail feathers!! I must admit, I was shaken to the core for a few days. The indignity of it all!!


Meal Times: Food always tastes better if gotten on the run or as a snatch, grab and run. It adds a certain amount of zest…


Maggie! Come Here!: They say Payback is a b…. (whatever that means) I discovered that when I yell “Maggie! Come here!”, she comes out to see what I want! (Take notes subjects). I have answered her when she asks me silly questions like “Spock! What are you into?” (I mean really, she has eyes…can’t she see for herself?) Now, I just yell “Maggie!” and she comes running….


Jealousy or What’s theirs is Mine and What’s Mine is Mine: I have discovered that I have a jealous streak…I resent the time that Maggie takes when cleaning the other room (even though I ride shotgun on her head and supervise). I have even told her “I’m jealous”. I like others toys too (I think that as King, I am entitled) and don’t get me started on all the fun things that Jay has (I know he leaves them out for me to play with despite what he says).


Life: This is a serious subject and one that I have thought long and hard about in my 1½ years. It is precious and I live each day to its fullest…who knows what will happen tomorrow? I love life today…it is not the destination…it is the journey…and WHOOPEE! What a fun time so far!



Live Long and Prosper….

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Great observations on life. My birds have a mirror bird too and they have found it quite fun to watch it parody their every move. I hope you continue to live each day to it's fullest and enjoy every minute of it. Take care Spock!

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