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Alfie's yearly checkup


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Hi Folks,

Alfie is going for her checkup tomorrow. I think she's in good enough health but it's that time of year again. One of the things on my list, along with nails/beak, poop check etc, was perhaps having her microchipped. I've been trying to teach her my phone number, but then decided it would be easier and safer to have her chipped. I know chipping depends on her being found by someone who is honest, but what if that honest person did find her, and she wasn't chipped? Food for thought.

Anyway, here's hoping everything goes well tomorrow!

Hope you and yours are all well.

Lyn & Alfie


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Ana Grey is chipped and it makes me feel so more relaxed knowing that I have done everything I can to get her back in case she does stray. Because she is microchipped, I can also easily prove she is mine. I know everything will be A-okay with Alfie and I hope Alfie is a good little patient during her check-up.

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Hello everyone,

well Alfie's checkup went fine. Vet was quite happy with her, didn't take any blood because they wanted to sedate her to do it, but the vet said she didn't see anything that made her want to take blood so I trusted her judgement. Didn't microchip for the same reason - wanted to sedate her to do it and I just didn't go mentally prepared for a sedation - am going to think on it for a bit because I think I would still like to have her chipped. My own vet that I use for the dogs say they don't sedate to chip so we may go that way.

She was happy with her feathers, beak and nails, and the inside of her beak too, and said ALfie was the picture of health, if anything she was leaning towards plump so cut back portion sizes.

Because Alfie was so well behaved, (didn't bite anyone) we called in at Pets at home to get her some treats but they had such a poor selection we didn't get anything, so we took her for lunch at Frankie and Benny's instead, but they made her sit outside!! TK Max were more parrot friendly and they allowed us to take her in there while we did a little shopping - we don't get to the city very often and just had to call in for 5 when we were passing the door.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTae2kwW1Xo

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so funny good to know all is well :) and that some places let you take parrots in them!. I need to get kya check she has been to the vet but as a guest i took her with oz my hahans as he needed his beak trimmed. Thought it a good idea for her to test the water so to speak she gave the vets cuddles (little git never gives them to me easy i guess a kiss is good enough) LOL

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Glad to hear Alfie is A-okay!!! When I had Ana Grey chipped, the vet wanted to sedate her and I said no. They did it without and came out to tell me Ana Grey was as calm and sweet as could be. I believe the sedating is because they (the vet and helpers) fear being bitten.

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now theres a thought to dine with kya what a mess. I`d really like to find a parrot workshop to go to but not many out there!. The wife things i`m parrot mad anyways she kill me if i took the parrots on holiday with us LOL. UNLESS the wife stayed at home!!! HUMMMM now that would be a holiday *GRINS*

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