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Oh no, the kids wrecked the bird LOL

Shades Of Grey

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I warned my children about making irritating noises around Tui because he would learn them and I would be stuck with hearing the sounds for the rest of my life LOL. Well...being kids, they didn't listen very well. They are both very satisfied with themselves because Tui now knows how to shriek and make a very annoying high pitched giggle and he loves to do it ALL day long. He came to our home making a very loud young girl's scream and this is his favorite sound when he is excited. We are trying not to pay any attention to this one but man, I think I popped an ear drum :eek: He is very much a sound effects bird. He picks up on sounds much quicker than words. My husband taught him the cartoon whistling sound effect when someone falls off a cliff, complete with the bang at the end lol. He sings part of the Andy Griffith tune now too.


I just wanted to share Tui's latest noises. Its cute.... in a very annoying way :rolleyes:.


Crosses fingers that he will outgrow the sounds he learned from the kids

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Now, I don't have human children. I have 3 cats--a 12 year old, an 8 year old, and a kitten. My 12 year old likes to walk around the house and howl after he's used the catbox or after he's eaten and Scout, my CAG, learned how to mimic his howl. *Sigh* I was happy when Scout could just bark (our breeder had many dogs) but now she barks AND meows.

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Rebel bit my cats tail and now she does the screaming cat noise. The first few times I ran in there to save the cat, but now I realize the cat is not really stupid enough to put his tail back in her way. I'm just waiting now for the dog's ear to get pierced.

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I want to know who thought it was a cool idea to teach Cleo the first few lines of the A-Team song! It gets repeated for hours on end, ad nauseam. It often starts as early as 6am and goes on for hours lol.


Oh the person that taught her that was me *sigh*

You guys talk to me first when I decide I have another "good" idea please!

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I want to know who thought it was a cool idea to teach Cleo the first few lines of the A-Team song! It gets repeated for hours on end, ad nauseam. It often starts as early as 6am and goes on for hours lol.


For some reason, mine learned the first few bits of the "Sanford & Son" theme song. I think she just started trying to speak and we (and by we, I mean by husband... and me... I guess) thought it would be fun to teach her the rest of it.


Terrific idea. And she has the cajones to call me weird ("You're weird!")

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