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I'm still excited even though I have my Grey now.

Cheshire Cat

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I went out to a pet shop and garden centre today with my family. Lo and behold I see a beautiful African Grey parrot in one of the cages and I can't help but go absolutely mental. I don't know why but I still feel so excited around them when I'm out and I love telling people I own one. Is this normal or am I just being too childish?


I've flooded Facebook with photos of Tui. I put on a 'Pets' album, and despite owning a dog, gerbils and rats, three parts of the photos are of Tui. I still love watching videos of them on YouTube, again, as if I'm still learning about owning one. It's just weird.


Sometimes I even sit and watch Tui as if she's a child like how parents watch their kids with pride. I'll sit there and think about how beautiful she is. Most of the time my conversation subject with my family is African Grey related.


Do you ever really get over that excitement? After two months (I had Tui on 3rd June 2010) I'm still acting like I'm sat waiting for one.

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I went out to a pet shop and garden centre today with my family. Lo and behold I see a beautiful African Grey parrot in one of the cages and I can't help but go absolutely mental. I don't know why but I still feel so excited around them when I'm out and I love telling people I own one. Is this normal or am I just being too childish?


I've flooded Facebook with photos of Tui. I put on a 'Pets' album, and despite owning a dog, gerbils and rats, three parts of the photos are of Tui. I still love watching videos of them on YouTube, again, as if I'm still learning about owning one. It's just weird.


Sometimes I even sit and watch Tui as if she's a child like how parents watch their kids with pride. I'll sit there and think about how beautiful she is. Most of the time my conversation subject with my family is African Grey related.


Do you ever really get over that excitement? After two months (I had Tui on 3rd June 2010) I'm still acting like I'm sat waiting for one.


Oh heck yeah, I was so proud of Issac for the first 5 months I smothered everyone with my love for him. And still if the conversation gets started about my Grey, I am more than happy to gush rediculously. Non-bird people will not understand. And you will probably back off of the facebook posts regarding him when you see the responses starting to drop off. But this is perfectly normal and you will find that many have made this exact post questioning their own sanity for loving a bird so fully. :)


There are so many things about him that send a smile to my face. I love the tail flutters, the way the little legs move when they run, the way their wings flutter lightly when they are trying to maintain balance on something they are climbing on. Certified bird lover. (Or maybe certifiable...lol)

Edited by Elvenking
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I know what you mean exactly! If I can find anyone halfway interested in talking about greys with me I am so excited about it. I've had birds for years and my love for them hasn't diminished at all. That's one cool thing about this forum, finding other people that understand your passion and share it.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one. I seriously thought something was wrong with me. My fiancee even said to me, get this, "Are you going to put your daughter back in her cage?" LOL! I said to my mom when Tui began plucking how I would never, ever regret having her. I felt as though I'd done something wrong for her to begin plucking and the vets bills, well the one (I saw two vets) was ridiculous! But I'd do anything for her. I think my mom became concerned because of how much I paid in such a short period of time, but she's worth it...every penny!


She really is like a child, my child.


With Tui I act like a 5 year old kid and I'm 23! LOL.

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Awww! Thank you, Jayd. I read a lot of posts on here and sometimes wish I could be like many of you. I sometimes feel as though I'm not good enough to be Tui's mommy. Today I bathed her; I put her in the sink and began pouring water onto her back and I know she hates it, along with being sprayed with aloe vera and it hurts me when she squeals and screams. :( But the aloe vera has worked absolute wonders for her plucking. You can clearly see all the feathers re-growing. She has lots of little grey/blue bumps all over her which are coming through the skin.


I really do try my best and don't know where I'd be without her now. In a morning when I'm waking up she clicks and it always makes me smile. It's my wake up call. It's also the noise she makes when she sees my fiancee; she calls to him by clicking.

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All your doing is Grey't, Your a wonderful mom, it shows, we hear it when you write, it's loud and clear....You are like everyone here, a caring and wonderful mom..[or Papa]..Pretty soon you'll be asking," How do I stop TUI from doing This!!" LOL.....Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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Hey Cheshire Cat, I'm right there with ya & the others about being gaa gaa over your bird!! :) I've had Biscotti a little more than a year now & I am still as excited & amazed every day. I feel so blessed to have his wonderful little birdy soul in my life! I too will talk about him until my friends eyes glaze over ( which is not long for "non-bird" people ).

Like you said, that is why this forum is so great- because we all "get it".!

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Why, Cheshire Cat, enough about the bird, already! Just kidding!!!


I don't know if you'll ever get over the fascination and excitement. I haven't, and it's been years (with parrots, not with Moussa yet). It's all I talk about when my husband came home: This bird did this, and this bird said that. When I go to a social gathering, I have to tell myself, "Don't talk about birds. Don't talk about birds." When I go to the bird store, I fawn over the babies. People think I work there 'cause I'll accost them to talk about the birds. I figure, if they're at a bird store, they're fair game.


As Lyric said, that's one reason we're on this forum: to gush about our birds.


All I can say is, "Welcome to the club!"

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I went out to a pet shop and garden centre today with my family. Lo and behold I see a beautiful African Grey parrot in one of the cages and I can't help but go absolutely mental. I don't know why but I still feel so excited around them when I'm out and I love telling people I own one. Is this normal or am I just being too childish?


I've flooded Facebook with photos of Tui. I put on a 'Pets' album, and despite owning a dog, gerbils and rats, three parts of the photos are of Tui. I still love watching videos of them on YouTube, again, as if I'm still learning about owning one. It's just weird.


Sometimes I even sit and watch Tui as if she's a child like how parents watch their kids with pride. I'll sit there and think about how beautiful she is. Most of the time my conversation subject with my family is African Grey related.


Do you ever really get over that excitement? After two months (I had Tui on 3rd June 2010) I'm still acting like I'm sat waiting for one.


This could have been me writing this! You do not stand alone LOL.

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I think we're all the same when it comes to our greys. I sometimes still think to myself " I have my very own grey".


I also go straight over to any greys in pet shops etc to give tickles & have chat with them. I notice that not many people will spent a lot of time talking to them in pet shops but me, they look at me as if to say "does he think that bird understands what he is saying?" but I know different as do we all. ;)

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You are a great grey parront :)

I can relate to this too. I have only had my Tui for a short time and I still can't believe I own a grey. I have wanted one for so many years. It still feels pretty overwhelming, but in a good way. There have been a lot of ups and downs these past couple weeks. Like today, my son played with a loud toy Tui had never heard. He got scared and flew/fell with style, off the cage. Since then he has been hiding in his cage and won't come out. One step forward, two steps back ..sigh.

I also plastered Facebook with pics and a video of Tui. I only got one comment and it was from my husband LOL. I don't know any other bird people and I feel like a nut sometimes. I love coming here so I can be nuts will all of you great fid owners :)

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I just wanta say I am with you. I have had Ms. Diva for 4 days now and I think she has me wrapped around her finger already. ok her toe?...haha anyways i love reading all of these post on her and the postive things everyone is saying about Grey's Diva and I have a long road ahead of us I know this but she is keeping a smile on my face and I think i am keeping one on hers. She just cracks me up. Best of luck with ur Tui btw love the name. and take care I will talk with you anytime u wanta talk about Grey's hehe cause i am learning as we go here.

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