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Goodbye sweet Vree :(


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Some of you might remember my Grey Vree who broke his back in February, well tonight I came home after being gone a few hours to find that he had gone to parrot heaven :( I have no idea what happened while I was gone as he was fine when I left but I am assuming that he fell (which he did sometimes when he would lose his grip) and landed wrong. I am very sad but also relieved in a way because he is free and no longer living the half life he was.


I want to remember him as before his accident. He was always the most cheerful friendly bird you could have ever hoped for and brought so much happiness. Even after his accident he was a brave and courageous parrot always happy and chirping the special trill I taught him when he first came home.


Good bye my sweet boy, you were so loved and so precious.

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Kathryn I am so sorry to hear of Vree's passing as I do remember about his accident with his back, please accept my condolences on your loss as you must be devastated but he is flying free over the Rainbow Bridge now in all his glory.


I had thought about the two of you lately and wondered how you and Vree were doing for we hadn't heard anything from you in a while but so sorry it was a loss that brought you back but I am grateful you did for we would have wanted to know.


Please read this poem in the thread I am providing a link to as it might help to ease your pain, again so sorry.



Edited by judygram
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Thank you all so much :( It has been hard for me to come to this board and see and read about all the happy Greys while my poor boy was so disabled. He was a such a bright light in my life. Thank you Judy, that did help a lot. I see him free and flying and enjoying life instead of struggling through it as he has been.


Kiss your Greys for my tonight, Vree always gave me the best birdie kisses and I will miss that.

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Everytime I come home from work and walk through the front door, there is a little part of me that is incredibly happy to see that Issac is still sitting up on his perch waiting for me. There are times I imagine how I would feel if he weren't, so I can understand how you feel about your loss. My sincerest condolences for your loss. I am sure Vree is in a better place.

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Kathryn, Julie, aka Joolesgreyuk wanted me to convey her condolences on your loss of Vree, she remembers you telling us all about his broken back and how you were caring for him for she was just thinking about it recently and wondered how he was doing, she is so sorry to hear of his passing as were all of us who knew the story.

Edited by judygram
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I am new to this board, too, and had not heard of Vree's accident. It sounds like he was very loved, and very well taken care of, and I am certain he knew he was very loved. May your memories of happy days with him outweigh your present day sadness.


With sincere condolences.

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Thank you all so much. It is comforting to hear from others who love their Greys. Not everyone understands!


I had to take his cage out of my living room as it was just to awful to look at empty. My house seems so quiet with out him and I feel very much at a loss for what to do. I miss him so much.

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How sad......I am heartbroken for you. But Vree will always be remembered for the strong hero he was to work so hard at healing and surviving the ordeal that he did while still staying so happy. That's thanks to you and your love, care and compassion for him. My thoughts and prayers.

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I am so sorry to know that you are suffering the pain of your loss. You put your heart and soul into tending Vree and it will take a while to cope with his absence. It helped me a lot to come back to the forum after losing Juno last December. I just finished the quilt I was making as a tribute to his memory. It took me a long time and I have worked twelve hours or more a day lately trying to get it finished, but slowly as I worked, it became a celebration of the joy of spending time with him even though we had him such a short time. It took about three months for an idea to come that would be meaningful. When the hardest part of your sadness begins to fade, an idea will come to you and it will lift you up to the place where you feel Vree's presence and celebration with you always. My heartfelt condolences at such a hard time.

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Katana, you quilt sounds wonderful! I keep expecting to hear Vree whistling when I come downstairs or while I am in the kitchen. He never let his disabilities keep his spirit down. I have thought about maybe getting in touch with a rescue to find a Grey that needs a loving home as a way to celebrate his memory. I need to be able to stop crying when I think about him though!

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Vree got his sweet disposition from you, he will always be a part of your life. It took me three months to stop crying and let myself open to the possibility of moving forward. Everyone processes in a different time frame. What I know for sure is that every day gets a little easier and every day opens new worlds of opportunity and when you are ready, the right moment will come that helps you see the brightness and cheer again. Nothing will ever diminish the connection you have to Vree and the wondrous spirit he brought to your life. Right now though, just breathe, cry, get through your days and be good to yourself. You have been an inspiration for your dedication and the care you provided for Vree. In spite of his hardship, he had a charmed life to love and be loved in a way that was a tribute to his life.

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I am pretty new here, too, but I am so sorry. I get all misty eyed thinking of when my last dog died, or my canary.


Better to have loved and lost, I guess. Or as my old man once said, "When you get old, you think of all the dogs you will never own."


Same with birds, I wager.

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