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Alex & Me "The Movie"

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I received a response from Dr. Pepperberg:


Dear Dan--

Yes, the organization is legit....and you are correct that none of the money they request goes to help us at this time. But the money is not to FINISH the movie--it is to START the movie. I had no idea they would start by 'crowd-sourcing', but that turns out to be legit. I insisted that they make very clear the point that the money goes to them, NOT to the Foundation, so there would be no confusion that folks sending them anything helps with our research in any way. POSSIBLY, IF the screenplay is sold to a studio, AND the movie is made and makes a profit, THEN we'll get some funds. But that is three to five years in the future, if at all.


Thanks for checking in on this...

Best, Irene

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I have deleted the links to donate $$ to for the time being. But Dan received his reply from Irene and posted it as I was deleting the links. I am certain that he will appear again and ask for more donations with the links.


I personally, would rather my money go to a worthier cause for rescue league for birds in need, not a movie that others will profit off of.

Edited by Talon
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I agree that a movie such as this would cause more people to puchase parrots without fully understanding what they have gotten themselves into. I read a volume of books, nearly every post on here, and did an insane amount of research before purchasing Paco a year ago, and I'm still not sure that I am a true "parrot person". Don't get me wrong, I love my bird, I can't imagine a better companion, but I still have doubts that I am the best person for the job... In admitting this, I can assure you, I'm dedicated to what I have taken on, but just that this responsibility should NEVER be taken lightly.


In saying that, it is hard to say how successful something like this would be. Parrot people are a special breed, wouldn't we all rather just order a movie on pay-per-view then actually leave our birds long enough to actually go to a cinema??? How much interest will the rest of the world outside of avi-culturism have in a movie like this? I don't think Alex was ever allowed to breed, so there goes the "sex" appeal of the movie.


Finally, I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't invest in anything, whether for hoped returns or for a charity that I haven't researched well before getting my wallet out. So, sorry guys, without an opportunity to read a script first, this bank is closed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jamalbirdbiz

i donts believe in having parrots or any animal in a lab. just sayin. way 2 sad for me. i cant imagine marvin grey or molly liking that sort of thing.

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I agree that a movie such as this would cause more people to puchase parrots without fully understanding what they have gotten themselves into. I read a volume of books, nearly every post on here, and did an insane amount of research before purchasing Paco a year ago, and I'm still not sure that I am a true "parrot person". Don't get me wrong, I love my bird, I can't imagine a better companion, but I still have doubts that I am the best person for the job... In admitting this, I can assure you, I'm dedicated to what I have taken on, but just that this responsibility should NEVER be taken lightly.


I question this very thing EVERY day and have done for the last three months since getting Tui. I had my heart so set on getting a Grey; I'd spoken to my parents about it (as I still live with them and they also let me borrow the money to get her), read websites, got books...I did everything I could to clue me up on them. Every day I'm learning new things with her, finding out more things about her personally. So, also, having a Grey is a constant learning experience. It's not just having the bird and bam, putting it away in a cage to be looked at. I knew from the beginning that Tui would be a lot of work and dedication and that was partly why I was glad I left my job...it might mean hardly any money, but I get to spend all day with my bird.


When Tui began plucking I felt I'd done something seriously wrong with her and even seeing the vet made me feel about an inch tall and so stupid. Hated that man! And the way he handled her was disgusting; I could have easily punched him for making her scream like that. But what I'm trying to say is, I'm always wondering if I'm a good owner, too. I'm nothing particularly special, but I try my utmost best. Tui is a big priority now in my life and always will be. She's like my child. Even my fiancee will say, "Are you going to take your daughter?" Lol. If you're dedicated and have plenty of love for the bird inside you, then you're off to a great start!


As for Alex & Me - I read the book a couple of weeks ago...reading it in two days. I loved it and found it extremely saddening as it was through Alex (and Andrew's Tui, hence my own bird's name) that made me want a Grey all the more. So, it would be wonderful to see Alex and Irene on the big screen, but I do agree with so many posts, that the money they're asking for should be going to a better cause. And a lot of birds may be brought and re-homed. In one of my last posts I mentioned how when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles phase was really high, my mom remembers people buying turtles, not realising what exact care they need and wound up flushing the poor little things down toilets!!! Films have a big impact on people and seeing such an intelligent animal, like a Grey, will make people want to buy one. And then the fun will start! They'll realise how much they've taken on and want to get rid of the bird.

Edited by Cheshire Cat
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  • 2 months later...

Talon & Dave007,


Where do you both get off saying something like that? I am appalled....really just besides myself as to what would prompt an ADMINISTRATOR and a MODERATOR of this forum to explicitly LIE to your constituents. And on top of a holiday greeting no less! I am not out to rob anyone. I am a 26 year old independent filmmaker who is trying to follow my dream and make an incredible story that involves a GREY PARROT. There is an old saying in Hollywood that says "You will never get there unless you try." My mantra is one of support and love and it is completely ANNOYING that you would try to divert other GREY LOVERS from participating in our work right now. This is just outrageous! Dr. Pepperberg is fully engaged with this movie. In fact she is an Associate Producer!


If ANYONE doubts the validity of my work with Dr. Pepperberg on this film, you may call her LAWYER:


Evan Krauss

207 West 25th Street -- Suite 600

New York, New York 10001


Telephone: (212) 966-6700


I expect that you remove your false claim that this is a hoax and apologize immediately.


-Josh, Producer

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First off, I don't speak for the administrator. Whatever she feels like doing is her business. I'm me and she's her.

So, you wanna write a book. Fine. I truly hope that you're successful. Without young potential good writers, there wouldn't be good books to read. None of that means that I have to support what you're doing especially when it concerns that bird. You have no idea what I know about that bird but I can tell that there's 2/3/4 sides to every story. A writer makes his bones by taking risks. You've decided to do a book on that bird. There's so many books out there concerning that bird that people would find it difficult to read all of them.

There's so many pros and cons about that bird and I'm positive that you won't get anything except the positive. Maybe you didn't realize that so much has been written about that bird on boards since before 07. People wrote good things, bad things, were neutral, didn't care one way or another. thousands don't even know he died from hardening of the artieries. Did you? I can say good things, bad things. I can talk about rumors concerning the techs that wiorked there. On and on and on.

Another thing here---you speak of the holiday wishes and it ends off with your website which asks for donations. A greeting with your personal name would have been nice. Hundreds of people come here doing the same thing.

I'm replying to you here because I appreciate when a man or woman wants to be a writer--book writer, reporter etc. It takes alot of balls to tackle it and it takes guts. I hope you're successful but I'll give you another tip here----you have a pictire of you, a buddy and Irene. You feel that it means something. Well, there;s hundreds of people around that have posed with her. She takes pictures with people on every tour she's at. If she wants you to succeed let her fund the site.

I'm not gonna apologise in the way you want and if you can't live with that, so be it. I told people that you were here before and it didn't go off well so my message

IF AT ONCE YOU DON"T SUCCEED , TRY, TRY AGAIN was totally in order.

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Dear Dave,


We are not writing a book. We are writing a screenplay. The feature film adaptation of "Alex & Me" will be as accurate as we can make it, but it is not appropriate for you to deny our right to represent ourselves as proprietors of this story and assert the false claim that we are not who we say we are.


Joining this community is part of our research efforts just as much as it is about fundraising. This IS a forum and you should speak your mind about Alex and Irene's work and not jump to conclusions about how we, the filmmakers, intend to depict the events of the story. Dr. Pepperberg is a pioneer and very brave for choosing to follow her dream. She made it possible for all of us to have this discussion about avian intelligence and scientific procedures pertaining to African Grey parrots. No one is perfect and there is always many sides to the story. Isn't this what makes for a great movie?


So just come out and say what you want to say. We know there is a lot of information underneath the covers. We want to learn.


-Josh, Producer

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I read The Alex Studies and then Alex & Me both before we got our Grey, Marcus. My husband and I both find Dr. Pepperberg's work inspiring and even have tried to implement some of her M/R techniques into training our little Quaker parrot, Beaker. Personally I think it would be wonderful to see a film about Dr. Pepperberg and her relationship with Alex, particularly since I cannot imagine that anything would be produced and released that didn't have her approval in one way or another. In her books she is very clear that she recognizes how so many companion parrots languish in their cages during the day without proper mental and emotional stimulation--that was one of the reasons she started developing that computer program that Wart learned to manipulate to keep himself entertained in the Media Lab, I think it was. Anyway, much as it is horrid to think about, people will continue to purchase parrots and dogs and cats and horses stupidly and in ignorance and on impulse just because that is how many people are. They are selfish. That will not change if a movie about Alex is or is not made. But perhaps if a film about Alex is released, and the message about proper husbandry and dedication is clear enough, it can help a few more people realize the travesty that exists if they treat their animals--caged or otherwise--simply as living adornments for their own pleasure and interest.

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All - f you remember, I contacted Irene in regards this the first time this producer posted. her response was that they had contacted her, but there was no guarantees a movie would ever be produced and that she was some what taken back by there marketing efforts to get funds from parrot lovers on many forums and facebook. If anyone one wishes to contribute for the hopes of perhaps seeing a movie come to fruition, thats fine. But basically the money is going to the "Staff" and there is no guarantee a movie will ever happen.... Dan

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Well I can tell you one thing, there won't be any money coming out of my pocket towards this movie since it may not see the light of day and as far as getting an apology don't expect one for it is not forthcoming, there are so many scams out there today that everyone has to be careful and besides we don't know you so excuse me if you think you were offended.

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There is NEVER a guarantee a movie of ANY sort will ever be made. It is a long and arduous and expensive process and yet, even with huge money and huge connections, MANY movies never get made. So what? That supposedly equates that this man is up to no good?


I don't see why everyone is up-in-arms about this guy coming on and asking for funding. If people want to give, then give. If not, then don't. But why assume he's a shyster out to screw people over? I don't get that at all. Is this the kind of board we are?? If a young person wants to follow their dream and do something, can't we say, "Good for you for trying to illuminate a topic (birds) we are all passionate about", and wish them well?


Without seeing the exact correspondence from Irene Pepperberg, how can we know what she actually said? Why not individually make your decision, rather than assuming the worst about people.


I'm certain that since I am speaking against what Dave and Dan said that I'll be roasted and attacked and that is fine, but really, I am not speaking out against anyone. (I am sure portions of my post will be copied and pasted and attacked, one point at a time. That's fine. Do what you wish.) I'm simply wondering what kind of board this is if people are assumed to be up to no good and that if there are already 10,000 books/movies/whatever out there, then that means no more should be made. (Ever look at how many books/movies/whatever there are on, say, ANY topic out there? Check amazon for George Washington, or recipes for southern cooking, or the economy. Lots of books/movies/whatever, and yet more continue to be made. Who cares? There's room for everyone's book/movie/whatever.)



I really don't see what this man has done wrong and why he is assumed to be up to no good. I would hope that people on this board were more welcoming of strangers and their contributions, or requests for help, or whatever they come to this board for. Not trying to ruffle any feathers or start a big thing, but I'm just saying if the guy wants to make another movie about Alex, and that is his dream, then hey, it's up to the individual to decide if they want to support him or not.

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  • 2 years later...

They have released this movie. Just posting to bring this thread to the top so others can view comments be others on this. If anyone has gotten and watched this, it would be great to hear a review. :)


Here is a link to Bird Channel with a write up and links on the page.



Edited by danmcq
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They have released this movie. Just posting to bring this thread to the top so others can view comments be others on this. If anyone has gotten and watched this, it would be great to hear a review. :)


Here is a link to Bird Channel with a write up and links on the page.








Please let me introduce the one and only MOONROCK, (Drum Roll) The official reviewer of The PEPPERALEX Saga~~~~~~~~~~~~


How about a big hand of applause.;):):cool:

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*bows* Thank you, thank you Dave. And while I am at it, I wanted to ask if we ever found out whether the movie producers did, in fact, make good use of the supposed *donations* received? And what does Dr. Pepperberg herself think of this movie? I have not yet seen it, by the way. Maybe Blueberrytunes could loan me her copy...

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Big Bow's to you MoonRock for bringing this up. Yes, funds for purchased DVD's are sent to the Alex Foundation:


Life with Alex: A Memoir


Their website: http://lifewithalexmovie.com/


Showcase.png Click to enlarge.




This 55 minute video is a compelling tribute to the famous African Grey Parrot known as Alex. This DVD contains never-before-released footage of Alex using meaningful human speech to convey his daily thoughts and feelings. We learn about Alex’s daily life, relationships, and accomplishments, all of which changed forever what we know about how animals think.



Also included with this DVD are “Special Features” of Alex, Dr. Pepperberg and the students who worked with Alex.

A portion of the proceeds of this film will be donated to The Alex Foundation.

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