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Covering at night


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This may be a dumb question but I'll ask anyway.:P

I'm getting slowly prepared for when my grey gets here and was thinking. The room that my grey bub's cage will be in is also my handraising room. Given that I'm often feeding babies at 10 at night I need some light. Grey bub also probably needs a good 10+ hours sleep a night so this is not the best. I was thinking of just covering the greys cage up at say 8pm and leaving the light dimmed enough for me to see what I'm doing before turning it off after the final feed. Do others cover their greys at night and do they seem ok with it of it's a regular routine?

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I don't cover my grey at night, never have.


I imagine that the baby will be disturbed by the handfeeding sounds even if you cover his cage. I am sure others will have more to add to this.

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I cover Dayo and Jake (Conure) at night also as Judy.


They quite right down even with activities taking place in the house for hours afterwards.


In fact, once they get on schedule, you'll probably notice behaviours indicating they are ready for bed and your running off schedule :-)


My conure will hang at a 70 degree angle off his perch indicating he is ready to be covered!


Dayo, my 16 week old Grey, has yet to display a "Ready for Bed" behaviour. He is like a human baby...you can see him "Fighting" going to sleep, even though his eyes are blinking and He's yawning :-)

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Thanks for the replies and I did have a look at those other 2 threads. When bub gets here I'll probably be finishing off GCC babies and may have Nanday babies too so he/she will be getting used to things from the start. I will cover as I think it works best for this situation.

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