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update on Onyx

Onyx's mum

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Cute video. I must say, seeing a very young child pick him up rather concerned me. Children just do not understand how delicate a bird is, much less an infant just weeks old.


At his gae, play is not something they do. They are too wobbly, still figuring out how to just stand and walk, the world around them etc. Having foot toys around is a great idea, but I am uncertain of what you mean by play.


Thanks for the update, I always enjoy watching the rapid growth. :)

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by playing i mean i have some small kitten type toys that are bright coloured toys and little ball things that jingle i sort of roll them and jinle them. as for the child i dont have young children that was my grand child who came for a visit at the weekend but yor 100 percent correct he is too rough with him, it was the first time preston had seen him and got a bit excited.

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Onyx is a real cutie, I love those baby parrot noises!


I couldn't help but notice that there was an ashtray right behind him. Cigarette smoke can be highly toxic for parrots of all ages, even if you do not actually smoke whilst the parrot is in the room, the fumes can still linger for some time afterwards. I am a smoker so I don't want to come across as someone preaching about smoking, but I do only smoke out of the house, just to save my kiddies including Diego inhaling any of the smoke. :)

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Onyx is a real cutie, I love those baby parrot noises!


I couldn't help but notice that there was an ashtray right behind him. Cigarette smoke can be highly toxic for parrots of all ages, even if you do not actually smoke whilst the parrot is in the room, the fumes can still linger for some time afterwards. I am a smoker so I don't want to come across as someone preaching about smoking, but I do only smoke out of the house, just to save my kiddies including Diego inhaling any of the smoke. :)

Thank You, well put.....Jayd

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by playing i mean i have some small kitten type toys that are bright coloured toys and little ball things that jingle i sort of roll them and jinle them. as for the child i dont have young children that was my grand child who came for a visit at the weekend but yor 100 percent correct he is too rough with him, it was the first time preston had seen him and got a bit excited.

Please use solid toys that can be cleaned, no dye's etc...Thanks Jayd

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There is some very nasty things going around about me, i must first of all say mowglis foot was corrected with surgery and i can produce the vet bill and name of the avian vet if needed. secondly i did end up with my late husbands two parrots but i could not handle them and it was too much for me so i had them all rehomed in a prope parrot sanctuary. Onyx is all i have the people are off another parrot forum and are a little miffed cos aos they seem to want people to donate their birds to them on the site if are no longer able to care for them and that became clear to me when my husband died i got no offe of advice or help just people offereing to have the birds. just thought i would clear that up

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Yes he sure is Jayd and with your advice and help he is doing fantastic. He is eating around 45 mls of food per meal every 4 hours and eats well i may add, feathes are coming through and the last couple of days hes been standing up really high on his legs.

He is getting funnier by the day.

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I agree, its silly to judge by hearsay. You usually find these things out for yourself at some point. :0)

Glad Onyx is doing well, he is such a cutie! Just remember if there is anything your unsure of to ask for advice. Hand rearing can cause problems for the best of breeders let alone a novice so its always good to get reassurance that your doing the right thing.

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I do have a question to ask what today i bought some dust free sawsaviins for him is this safe, also at what age do the tail i feshers somr=e hrough IS irsroubddzs


I personally think that wood shavings, even dust free ones should not be used as these can be tempting for onyx to try and eat them out of curiosity. I would stick to paper to line with.


The last bit of your message made me laugh, it was like you drifted off somewhere into a wibbly wobbly world of your own LOL. ;D

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I ditto Go Diego's thoughts on wood shavings, just use paper in the tray.


I also did not quite get the last question regarding tail feathers. I assume you are how long before those little red dots grow into the full tail feathers? :)

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HI diego

yes onyx is thrivibg considering. I weighed him today im not sure what they should weigh at 5 and half weeks old but he weighs 1lb before his feed, i think that is 460grms please advise me of weights if you know. his feathers are opening on his wings and today i noticed the first signs of the Red feathers on the tail, he is very alert now and likes to coo and make lots of funny baby noises to which i copy he is fantastic and its lovely watching the change in him seems daily now hes fine about being touched and cuddled i think probably it was just me worrying

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hi i weighed him on my daughters kitchen scales before his feed maybe i have read it wrong, He is a large baby i will weigh him again tommoro but with some better scales he is eating like a trooper he eats every meal and all of it sometimes i think he wants more at the minute im giving him 47 mls of kaytee is this correct and shold i increase it if he wants more

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hi i weighed him on my daughters kitchen scales before his feed maybe i have read it wrong' date=' He is a large baby i will weigh him again tommoro but with some better scales he is eating like a trooper he eats every meal and all of it sometimes i think he wants more at the minute im giving him 47 mls of kaytee is this correct and shold i increase it if he wants more[/quote']


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hi Jayd yes its spongey i will see if i can post a more up to date pic of him tommoro its nearly 11pm here and hes stirring for his feed again i feed him from 7am then 11 am then 3 to 3.30pm then 7.30 pm and again at 11 pm last feed till morning i do hope this is alright

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