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Who Loves Farm Fresh Corn?


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Thanks for posting this cute video. :)


They do love corn. I have to only offer it as a rare treat. Dayo will eat Corn on the Cobb until it is running from his ears. So I limit it due to the none existent nutritional value. But, I will say I think for the most part, they just have a blast shredding it to a pile of rubble. :)

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Awww! Cute video! Interestingly, neither of my birds will eat corn off the cob. I have to stand the cob on its end, and slide a knife along the cob, releasing the kernels in lovely rectangular sheets. They LOVE these sheets, and especially my Grey loves to shred the kernels into a zillion pieces. But I do notice before it is turned into a toy, she maybe nibbles a few bits.

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