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Emergency Kits


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So it has been a pretty depressing few days here in Hawaii... First we had hurricane Flossie bearing down on us, luckily it made a turn and headed back out to sea. Then there were 2 earthquakes on the Big Island and one huge one in Peru that caused us to be on Tsunami advisory for a while. Luckily everyone is safe and Hawaii made it through all the madness unharmed... Unfortunately Peru wasn't so lucky (my heart goes out to them).


Which brings me to my topic. We have an emergency kit prepared just in case we would have to flee our home (which everyone should have by the way). Now that we have Makena we want to include necessary items that he would need. We threw in some canned fruits (in water) as well as some pellets. We also put in extra water and some styptic powder (worst case scenario).


So do you guys have emergency kits? And if so what are you putting in it? We want to be better safe than sorry!! :S<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/08/17 06:01

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Put some sunflower seeds in, just in case Makena won't take the pellets. You never know. Dried fruits and some nuts would probably be good, for you and Makena.


I'm sorry to hear abotu your tsunami alert, that can't have been fun. The situation in Peru is terrible.


Ireland isn't on an earthquake or volcanic zone, but we've been having monsoon-like conditions for almost three months now, with only occasional dry spells. This is utterly abnormal weather for us (even given the wetness of this part of the world).


I don't have an emergency pack, but you've certainly made me think.

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Makena, that is a great idea for people living in conditions that may or even may not warrant it. I might suggest maybe some dried fruits of veggies stored in airtight containers. They do keep well.

I hope you never have to use it, but it's wonderful that you are being so prepared for him. :)

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We keep his carrier right by the door as we take him places all the time. It would probably be the first thing we would grab!


Dried fruits and veggies are a good idea. I am not sure about nuts and seeds as I would worry they would go rancid very quickly (our house is 80 degrees year round B)). Even now we keep our seeds and nuts in the fridge or freezer. I guess I could keep an eye on expiration dates and change them out periodically.


I feel better now that I am prepared... You never know what mother nature is planning to throw our way!!

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Makena wrote:

I feel better now that I am prepared... You never know what mother nature is planning to throw our way!!


So true, Makena, and mother nature can be cruel.


You can add some bottled water to that kit and change it out from time to time as the date on it expires. we should all probably keep something like this on hand at all times, you never know what is going to happen.

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.:S

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