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I got a part time job at a parrot store


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Jayd has some good advice. You don't want to bring any ickies home to your precious birdies. I did a similar thing when I was a vet assistant. I would come in from work, stop at the washing machine and undress into the machine, then I would take a shower and put on clean clothes.


This should be a fun and educational gig for you. I'll bet you'll have some good stories to share. (hint. hint.) Not bringing any birds home will probably be the hard part, if you're like me.

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Good idea, I will definitely change clothes and clean up before I hold Babalu. I know it will be hard not to bring any babies home, but then again, my hubby would not be to happy with me. Although I do really like Senegals and I would love to have a Camelot Macaw:) I have not seen a Camelot there before but they do have 2 Senegals right now... I have to be strong, Babalu and my dogs take up allot of my time now, also a reminder, hubby has allergies.

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Well congrats on your new job as that should be an enjoyable one but you will be tempted many times I am sure but at least you can play with them even if you can't bring any of them home with you.

I also agree on the changing of clothes and cleaning up after you leave your job and before you come into contact with your precious fids.

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well today was my first day. Allot of cleaning as I expected. But pretty easy. Sweeping took the longest because the feathers and dust just blew around the broom. I am going to ask why they don't use a vacuum. That would be so much cleaner and faster, plus it would get the babies use to the noise. The hardest thing I think will be learning what birds get what food, and ringing up the bulk food purchases (I have to learn what all the food is by looking at it). I did not however interact with the birds today, other than cleaning the small bird cages, I only worked half a day..

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