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Toki decided she likes biting on finger nails. I want to teach her not to do this. I read here, someplace, that to stop their baby from biting; one owner would grasp their birdie's beak, gently shake it and say "No". Well I tried that approach. Now, not only does she like to bite nails, she also just Loves to have her beak shaken. I'll be watching TV and she will come over and stick her beak between my fingers and stand there waiting for me to shake it.


What would be a good way to try and get her to stop biting finger nails?

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The best way to try to stop her is to distract her from it with something else, like a toy perhaps. My Josey will try that too, and that is what I do to her, works very well. But you can continue with the beak shaking if she enjoys it, make like a little game of it if you wish, some greys won't allow that kind of touching.

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A man can know, through watching his Wife get one fourth of her newly manicured and painted nails have a fourth of the extending portion snapped right off......I watched it happen.


Oh how cute honey, look little Dayo likes to nibble on Nails, hahahah yes honey, isn't Dayo just so cute.........SNAP :ohmy:


After Kim Slapped Me, Dayo, The Dogs ............. She made the trip back to have the Nail "EMERGENCY" repaired (Yes Men, it's an emergency) Dayo is no longer considered "cute" when trying to "nibble" on Nails....He is now a Bad Boy and not allowed to do so...


( The Kim slapping part was merely added for drama, no humans or animals were harmed in this made for Forum Drama ;) )


CD was just being facetious :P

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Well now.. This much I know for sure.. Anna is high maintenance .. In the past that was an insult.. Today some woman take "high maintenance" as a compliment.. :P :P


Dan, Believe me, I know first hand about these "nail emergencies" There are also half empty crazy glue containers all over the place.. Well, I should say "hidden" in all the cabinets...


Yeah, I know what the ladies are gonna say.. "we do this for you guys" Yes I know this.. Stop worrying I'm not complaining.. :P :P

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Aaaagh, you guys. I'm an archaeologist and if I had long nails they would be torn off in the pick-axing, trowelling through hard earth and clinging to crumbling earth as I dangle over holes I didn't know were there. My nails are short, short, short and Joshua still likes to nibble at their edges. But I think he is just feeling where the difference is between the textures of hard and soft.

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Guest briansmum

personally i'd let them go through their phase, like lidia said they're just feeling the different textures and getting to know their human, i consider it a compliment when brian has a nibble on me, it's an affection thing, it's liked being preened, providing my nails are clean he can preen away :lol:


wanted to add i also play a beak game with brian, "got the beak" where i get his beak and shake his head gently he loves it and will also come and give me his beak to do it, we also play "got the toes" and "get the tummy" it turns into a bird vs. hand wrestling match he ADORES it! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: xxbeccyxx, at: 2007/08/18 16:39

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