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ONE reason not to hand rear if not qualified

Onyx's mum

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I was put in a situation were this little guy needed rearing i have hand reared only 3birds for a breeder ten years ago {thats how i learnt}.


HOWEVER the worry that goes with this is so great i would not advise any one that has never reared a baby NOT to do it................They are far to precious to risk gettting it wrong.

I love my little guy but will never risk this again , luckily hes doing great but is by no means out of the danger zone and the worry sort of takes away the watcing him change ifyou know what i mean.

All you guys have been fantastic especially jayd without your help and advise my little Onyx may not of been here..... now hes warm and happy and well fed .......most of all he is truly loved

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We weaned both our greys. Rescued them both from a chain pet store where they were kept in a fish tank with a military macaw :/


We got Leo at 4 weeks old and Willow at 6. I was scared spitless, but was convinced I'd learned more about weaning by doing my own research than the clowns at that pet store so we brought them home.


They both slept in a little cage right next to the bed until they were about 10 weeks old. I'd get up every 2 hours to check on them...didn't sleep much :)


It all worked out just fine. I still have the feeding spoon I fashioned with a blow torch and pliers lol. I'll have to take a pic of it and post it.

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thats just great my freind has a grey named willow he was hand reared from 4 weeks old he only likes leane tho, the bites ive taken off him Gosh they hurt.

Onyx sleeps on my bed now but hes in a margerins tub covered in a fleece blanket i just love hearing his little sounds as i tickle him till i fall asleep

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Wow Mowlis Mum, you must be a very sound and gentle sleeper! I can't keep the blankets on my bed, let alone a bird in a container! Plus, beyond being a fitfall sleeper, I'm also a bad sleeper, waking up every couple of hours. I don't even dare go through the bird room to sneak a snack as I know I will hear the irritated flutter of wings from my parrot wondering why I can't just stay in my "cage" for 10 hours like he does.

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thats just great my freind has a grey named willow he was hand reared from 4 weeks old he only likes leane tho, the bites ive taken off him Gosh they hurt.

Onyx sleeps on my bed now but hes in a margerins tub covered in a fleece blanket i just love hearing his little sounds as i tickle him till i fall asleep

I've PM'ed you about Onyx's sleeping condition....Jayd

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This woman at one time had four African Greys, one of which needed an operation on his leg (Mowgli) but she didn't get it sorted, so his leg is at an angle that isn't normal. She also had a Cockatoo, which was a plucker, she rehomed it telling the new owner that it had been vet checked for various illnesses and it was all a load of lies, the vet had never seen the cockatoo at all. Luckily the new owner didn't take her word for it and checked because she has a lot of birds, so Mowgli's Mum in telling lies about the vet care actually put a lot of birds at risk. This is a woman that wanted to "swap" one of her Greys for an Amazon, now she is raising a baby without a brooder and without any real knowledge of what she is doing. Please don't praise her for being caring and willing to learn, she's in it for the glory of getting praise, not for the wellbeing of the birds.

Edited by Waloos
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Hello Waloos. I am uncertain of how you know mowlis mom, but those are some fairly strong accusations, that none of us ofc ourse couls substantiate.


I don't think anyone is praising her. I would like to strangle breeders that give these baby chick to people, plus as you say, it is against the law in many states.


I am actually surprised this baby has made it out of a brooder.

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I know her from another site that she frequents here in the UK and I wouldn't say anything that I can't prove or substantiate. I am not on a witch hunt, I just don't want other people to be taken in by her as she has decieved two people that I know of, with her tales of woe.

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:)Thank you. All you say, I'm sure could be more than true, I'm not helping a "lady", I'm offering help to a bird, the most I can hope for is maybe some one will heed my advice. I'm sorry I won't judge or condemn, it's not my way, no more would I judge or condemn you for what you have said of another. This wonderful forum is here to help all who ask, were here to learn, advise, trade thoughts. If anyone wish's to continue this subject, they can PM, you personally... So, why don't you make a thread about yourself and your fid's, we love pictures..... Thank you...Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock...

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Ok, I'm out of here, don't say you weren't warned.

I'm sorry you feel this way, Your missing out of meeting a lot of Grey't people and their owners, their birds. Your always welcome here...Jayd


NOTE: I believe this matter is finished.

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