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Dorian update


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Dorian's blood work came back normal, so there is no medical reason for his plucking. I have been spraying him with the aloe vera daily and he seems to be doing better, however, he has not completely stopped the plucking around his neck. I started his regimine of oatmeal with palm oil added into it. He had been refusing it, so I stopped for about a month. He now is accepting it and enjoying it. It is the one way he will eat the palm oil and I am glad that he wants it again. I've tried it in other foods, but he doesn't like it. Hopefully, this may help him stop the plucking. The vet suggested anti anxiety medication, but I am hesitant on doing that, as I don't want his personality to change. If nothing else works, then I will have to re visit that suggestion.


Thanks again for all your help and concern in this matter. I appreciate the time and effort that you put into this and for helping me.



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Plucking is such an illusive behavior to discover what truly has triggered it. The avian medical community is fairly baffled as well, but certainly try their best in helping one treat it. It sound like you are doing all the right things for Dorian. Please keep updating on how this goes.

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