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Interacting with your grey?

Shades Of Grey

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I would love some ideas on what I can do with Tui to help build our bond. He is slightly timid of new toys but sometimes he takes an interest in something right away. Since we got him a week and a half ago, he has spent most of his time on his cage top gym talking and watching us, just settling in. I kind of feel bad that I don't spend a lot of time "playing" with him but I talk to him a lot. I just dont want to overwhelm him. We do play tug of war with a cloth sometimes when I am cleaning. I tried it last night and I guess I raised the cloth too high and he became scared, play time was over for him. I have ordered a large boing perch that might take a week to two to arrive. I look forward to getting him off his cage and in another location to play. I have been making foot toys, offering lots of new foods, and sometimes I take him to the window to look out. I am still getting used to handling him because he tends to run up to my shoulder which I don't like. It's a work in progress. Today I am going to try to make a window perch. I will post a picture if it works out :)


What are some things we can do together that won't overwhelm him. Do you actively play with your grey or just talk to him/her? What does a typical day look like in your home for your grey? I am new to greys and I feel like I am not doing enough with him.


Thanks for any help ;)

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Jan that is wonderful game they love to play. :)


Many know peek-a-boo as well and love to play it. You can do this using a towel or similar item to play this game just like you do with you child. I play with cloth items, but also by running to a side of the refridgerator for example pop my head up and say peek-a-boo. Dayo will fly over and come running, then I'll run around a wall, stick my head out and say it again. He will reciprocate by running away out of view or under a cabinet and wait, I'll walk over slowly see him and say it. Then he dances around, flies to somewhere else and i follow.


I also play catch with soft items like a small cat cloth ball or the like, Dayo will grab it then I throw it to him and then he will toss it back or down to watch me pick it up. He also likes to play with an acrylic ball with bell in it this is about 2 inches in diameter. I'll roll it to him, he'll attack it many times, bash it around then fling it back to me or to the floor.


Hopefully these things give you some ideas what what he may be used to and like. Just start out slow with not too much speed or excitement unless you see him getting excited and acknowledging something he is interested in. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Yeah I was going to say what dan said, Calypso loves to throw her toys down and I have a toy bucket that hangs from the top of her cage and I throw it back in there like I am playing basketball, and she gets all excited and yanks it back out of the bucket and throws it at me again, and this continues on till I am just sick of doing it, lol


You could also get some fruits and veggies, say carrots, corn and a piece of apple...And I will act like a taste a piece, and say "mmmmmm, Carrot" and then put it close to her, and she touchs her beak to it and as she does I repeat it "mmmmm, carrot" and then if she wants to eat it fine, it not on to the next one, like the corn or apple.

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Issac loves the peek-a-boo games and the noise making back and forth. Sometimes I feel like I have the same bird Dan does. LOL. As you spend more time with them, other things will surface that you find they enjoy. Issac's latest joy is, for some reason, my toes. Lately, if he sees my bare feet kick up on the couch or a table, he comes flying down to rub his head on my big toe and to ask my toes to scratch his neck. I keep telling him that my hands can do better but he doesn't care.

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Actually, a little training activity can be good to help build a bond. Maybe a little simple target training, if Tui has a favorite treat that you can use as a training treat. You can use a clicker or simply a word, like "Good!" Keep the training sessions short and fun, and be sure to end with a success, so Tui gets a big payoff at the end. Birds will learn to look forward to these sessions.


This can be really useful for establishing a means of communication, which is very bonding. It can also come in very handy later as a way to help gain Tui's cooperation in going in or out of the cage, etc.

Edited by Birdnut
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Most mornings when I get up early (I'm usually up before everyone else) I take Tui downstairs and make a cup of tea. I let her perch on the back of a chair with a teatowel on to stop her slipping and she watches me prepare a 'cuppa'. I've even talked to her and gone through the stages, "Right, then we get the milk from the fridge and pour some in." And she actually seemed to be listening. On an evening me and my fiancee usually watch DVDs together so she comes and sits on the bed with us; she's bonded a little more to my fiancee than myself and she loves to sit on him and chew the buttons on his shirt. ;)


When in my room with her, unless I'm obviously going to bed, I leave the cage open so she can come out as she wishes. If I'm watching TV, I'll talk to her about what's going on and I've even put music and YouTube videos on for her. I always try to include her with whatever I'm doing.


My dad made a perch for me so I can take her downstairs with me and she can sit in the dining area or the living room with us. Nearly every morning now I take her down to greet my parents.


The main thing is to just let them feel included. I'm always talking to Tui about what I'm doing and now she'll sit happily for a while whistling and yapping away and her speech is starting to come through; she's still gurgling and making sounds in the back of her throat, but she's trying (as a baby would)

Edited by Cheshire Cat
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I think just go about your daily business, talking to Tui, offering tickles, treats etc. Eventually when he is ready & has full trust in you he will teach you some games. ;)


I play a little game with Murphy, I duck & hide at one side of the cage while he is on top, I pop up & he comes running over all excited, I then run round the other side & do it again & again. It involves no physical contact or toys so is a great game if they are new to the home or a little timid. Murphy isn't timid or new to the home but he still enjoys the game to this day.


They form a bond with you out of love, trust & friendship. Do the best by them & they will repay you with lots of fun years as a crazy companion. :D

Edited by reggieroo
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