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jackson beaking


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ok jackson has beak me really hard where my arm is blue.ive tryed to get the stick but he hates it more..he want go bakcinto his cage without beaking me and this time he jump off his cage went to pick him up and he crab my arm with his beak and squeeze my arm really hard.. i just dont know what to do anymore....its getting out of hand...

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Take a deep breath Tanya, you know greys can be beaky and he is telling you he isn't ready to go back to his cage but I wouldn't use the stick, if you do then that is telling him that he is winning the battle. Try balling your hand into a fist first before approaching Jackson because the taut skin on the back of the fist is harder to grab a hold of to inflict damage. When he goes to beak you tell him firmly "No bite" then offer the fist but the most important thing is to not be afraid of him biting you for he can sense if you are afraid of him.

There are also some threads here that deal with biting greys and ones that don't want to go back inside the cage but if you persist in telling him the no bite then in time he should back off some when he finds out that is not acceptable behavior.

Remember its always darkest right before dawn.

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Sorry to hear you are having trouble with Jackson. Judygram had great advice on how to deal with the beaking. I'm a big fan of bribery. I would only give him his favorite treat as you are putting him in the cage. You could also try giving him more opportunities to go in for short periods and come out again several times a day just so you can practice more.

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