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We Got a Parakeet!


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My little brother had been bugging my parents for a pet, so today we went to the pet store and brought home a Parakeet. We're guessing its a male because he's so colorful, and they guessed they were about 8 months old.


So far he's been named Sparky, but it might change.:P






Talon was just all over the cage when we set it up. She wasn't nervous at any of the toys, she seemed to think it was hers! :laugh:




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Wow what a sweetheart :) I'd say Sparky sure is a boy as he has the blue cere, the little bit above his beak.

Age seems about right,as Sparky has lost the black stripes on his head :) if he was a baby they would go all the way down to the cere, & the good news the boys dont bite as hard as the girls :lol:

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Congratulations! I love budgies. You all will have a blast with him, no doubt he's a boy! Attached is a picture of Lucky when he was 13 yrs old...he had over a 100 word vocab, flew to me on command. Mightly little beings they are! B) enjoy him, I am sure you will!! ;)





539477755_d20655e866.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/16 23:50

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Yep.. it's a boy.. Look at all that blue.. and thats a good thing because in parakeets it's the boys that do all the talking.. :P


I wish I was this little bird.. Do any of you guys know just how wonderful a life this bird will have? He will be given all the love and care humanly possible.. This I am 1000% sure of..

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CD wrote:

I wish I was this little bird.. Do any of you guys know just how wonderful a life this bird will have? He will be given all the love and care humanly possible.. This I am 1000% sure of..


That's very kind of you to say, Thank You! He will be treated with lots of care and love by all of us. :kiss:

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Thanks everyone. :)


Here are some more, I tried to get the designs for Greylover. Although a really good sideview one won't upload.:angry:







He's already getting used to his new home, and today when I went to take pictures, he was chirping. :)



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Super cute and nice pics too! They sure look healthy and chances are good that they will get the "all clear" soon enough to come out of quarantine. The budgie that "adopted" us (we named her Macaroni) is also still in quarantine until Oct 10! We too are looking forward to a clean bill of health and letting her have more free reign over the house! heheh.

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