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Indy figured out his lock!


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I came home from the store this morning to an open cage door, an african gey on the loose and 4 terrified cats. I grabbed Indy and couldn't believe I had been so careless to not latch his cage, though I remembered double checking before I left...not an hour later from upstairs I heard a snap and a flap of wings...Indy was on the move again! So its clear he has somehow figured out how to lift the metal piece over his latch and use his beak to press the button to release. Indy and I are getting ready to get in the car and figure out a solution to this, clearly I can not leave him here alone. Jeez!

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Ha that's great at least hes ok ..... i came home one time with Abby back in her cage and the cage shut but a huge bird poop in the middle of my kitchen floor .... she had to have got out of her cage walked across the floor and pooped and then not only went back in her cage but shut it lol ... it was truly amazing lol .... you should post a pic of the lock he picked!

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Aww! I'm glad that he's okay. With my cage, there's a lift up flap on the side which my dad pestered me about for ages. He was scared that Tui would figure out how to lift it so he got me a little lock to put on. There's no way she can open the front of the cage, but the side piece she could have easily opened at some point.


We've had pet rats in the past who've figured out how to open their cages and have come strolling upstairs and got into bed with us. I remember it vividly as a kid waking up one morning to feel something furry up my leg. It was one of our rats. Gotta love pets!!

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We've had pet rats in the past who've figured out how to open their cages and have come strolling upstairs and got into bed with us. I remember it vividly as a kid waking up one morning to feel something furry up my leg. It was one of our rats. Gotta love pets!!


Something about this picture I have in my mind to waking up with a rat laying next to me gives me the heebie jeebies!

Indy is one smart grey, too smart for his own good but I had to laugh.

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Wow, it always amazes me how smart greys are! I was just talking to my husband about our cage. It is a lock that looks like the kind you slide but it releases with a button and pops back into place when you push the end. I don't know if he can reach the button with his beak or not? It looks like this


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