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Spock's Last Update


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Greetings…Spock here. This will be my last update. I just wanted to let you know that for the last few weeks, I have been holding my weight at or near 443 grams. The last week, I have been 449 to 453 grams. The vets say it has to do with my diet.

Their main concern is how long my internal organs can take this high metabolic rate. They say, “Slow down! Slow down! Stop flying so much!” to which I reply….”What?”

To all my human and avian friends…Live Long and Prosper



Remember; “The needs of the many outweigh... the needs of the few...or the one."

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That is not good news Spock. Why can't the vet prescribe something to control that metabolic rate? Your weight seems good and you've been frolicking all over the kingdom like an old prehistoric Vulcan pre-logical enlightenment. So whats wrong with that?


The second part of not being good news, is why this would be your last update? Your posts are always looked forward to and enjoyed. :)


The high command frowns upon longs periods of non-communication. ;)

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Greeting's Spock here.. Sorry, no, I'm ok!!!!!!!! The Doc's say there's a couple of med's I can take, but they have bad side effect. There hasn't been much bird research in to birds with this problem, they think it's hereditary...[My dads from Vulcan, my mom's from Earth!!! Must be my mom...] What my prized counsel is doing is they are balancing carb/energy intake and calories...affecting weight... My weight gain in essence is slowing me down, now we have to balance it........

Love Spock

Live Long and Prosper

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Thanks for the update, but I know we are heart broken at the thought of no longer following you ups & downs in your life. We are family, we love you Spock and want to hear from you ALWAYS..:(


As NIlah & Rikki say to me when I am going out the door to work, "Nooooooo, dooon't go.....come back....." ( my daughter the smart alack taught them that, and YES it BREAKS my heart to hear those words out of their little beaks. :( :( :(


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