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Yoshi is home! But she has a boo boo!


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So I picked Yoshi up Saturday from the breeder lady's house. After being away from each other for 5 days I was really excited to get her back :) Boy was it loud in there when I went to get her! She looked great, jumped up on my shoulder and talked a little as I gathered her stuff. She seemed a little quieter than usual but other than that her normal self. I think she was just tired, hadn't been getting enough sleep with all the other noisy birds there. Got her back home and she settled in, had a snack, then napped while my husband and I were on the computer. She seems to have a new favorite toy now, that she discovered there and I bought so we could bring it home. It's a small toy with beads and keys. I'll post some pictures later.


Yoshi is obviously enjoying flying, getting further, but is somewhat clumsy. Yesterday though she got a nasty little cut between her left eye and nostril... and the pinkish white area around her eye has a couple red flecks... I think it's bruising... At first she was holding out her left wing too and I checked it over but couldn't see anything wrong but a couple ruffled feathers. Thankfully she isn't holding that wing out anymore. What happened is when my husband and I take her to her cage, sometimes instead of waiting she will now fly to it herself, and this time she launched off my husband's hand, aimed for a perch, missed it, and hit the back of the cage before she could do anything to control herself. She fell to the bottom of her cage and slowely started to climb back up. After that she has been nervous of sudden movements and later that night I had a shower and brought her in there so she would still be with me, and she was completely silent. She ALWAYS chatters and has a great time talking in the bathroom... poor girl I know she was probably just a little shoken up still. She seems to flinch away when I go to touch her, but will step up just fine. Perhaps she just doesn't want to be touched because she is hurting? We spent some cuddly time and she happily ate her dinner, some chicken from my dinner, and later a grape. This morning I took her out to hang with me while I got ready for work and she seemed fine. The bruising around her eye looks better today, it seems to be fading. She was still pretty quiet this morning. The picture below is from yesterday right after the incident... poor Yoshi baby :/


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Awww, poor Yoshi getting a little banged up in her endeavors to "Cage" herself.


She'll be fine, just a little shook up from the crash. They all go through this as they learn flying skills and coordination.


It's good to hear the stay at the breeders went well and Yoshi was so accepting of that stay. :)

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Tonight Yoshi's face looks a bit better, and while quiet still when I got home she did perk up for dinner and enjoyed Macaroni off my plate! (Note the yellow stain in the picture :P )



They heal up super fast. Issac had a little mark above his eye one time and in like 48 hours it was gone.

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