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Palm nuts.


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Just wondered if your greys enjoyed them as much as mine ? :)

.The fruit of the African oil palm which grows throughout tropical Africa.Also know as a fruit,It is actually the yellow flesh around the kernel that is important. Palm Nuts are a nutritious natural food for all African Grey Parrots.


Freddie tucking in :)



Alfie enjoying his



I was unable to get a picture of Coco as she is still a little timid & i have to hold her palm nut for her ;)<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2007/08/16 17:06

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I have done an extensive search of the web and cannot find one company in the US that imports and sells raw Palm Nuts.


It looks like we can get the Oil, but for some unknown reason, a source seems to be lacking here.


Does anyone know of a US company that imports and sells raw Palm Nuts??<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/16 19:12

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Thanks lovemygreys!


I have emailed Rob. The prices he has posted are very reasonable.


It's going to be the shipping costs that will drive it up, but I am willing to pay that :-)


My Master Dayo states that cost is not a concern :laugh:

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Actually, yes lovemygreys. I will get with the Breeder here and obtain a list of the persons that are purchasing the other 5 Grey Babies she has.


Networking with people always benefits all and it is a great idea, Thanks!! :laugh:

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Those palm nuts sound excellent. Anyone in the middle east ought to be able to get them, or Hawaii, I would imagine. Yummy yummy yummy.

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What is it about them that the AGs like? I imagine it is because they are yummy, as many of the things Joshua likes are things I like (although he may be liking them because I like them).

Anyone ever tasted a palm nut?

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From what I have found on the web, many of the Greys actually live in the Palms, which they return to in the evenings after being out foraging during the Day.


The shredding of the Palm Seed is enjoyable, but more importantly, is the Oil contained in the fibrous substance surrounding the Pit itself which is normally discarded.


There are some indications that the Palm Oil is perhaps a cure for household Grey Feather plucking. It has also been noted as an aphrodisiac that induces breeding. It seems many owners here in the US, purchase Palm Oil and add it to their food.


It is a main staple of the Grey's that live near Palm tree rich lands. They also go out and pillage local Maze crops, much to the owners discontent. But, when facing a flock of hundreds of Wild Greys, what are you going to do? ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/17 14:49

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Dan, I am one who uses the palm oil, I put a little of it in Josey's morning oatmeal and baby food breakfast. She eats it right up and I give a little of it to my sun conure, she eats it up too. I don't know about the plucking but I think it helps the feathers some.

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I just googled palm nuts and came across this person's site who found a source in Florida. They buy them for their birds. I don't know anything about the company but it might be worth a shot.




I can get them here in Hawaii... but it is illegal to ship to the mainland. I guess there is a problem with rats because they like to climb up the tree and eat them :ohmy:


I haven't tried giving any to Makena yet... but after reading this post I am going to get it a try! Thanks guys!

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Thanks, Makena, for the link for the palm nuts, I have been looking for them, I am going to check this out. I already give Josey the red palm oil but if I can get my hands on some of the nuts themselves, I think she may enjoy shredding them up and maybe eating some of it.

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Found this article which refers to the Queen palm nut, which is the nut Makena's post refers to :)


Now Hear This! Oh, Those Tropical Nuts - Yum!

The Queen Palm Nut Tree

An Avi-Reference Page, creation of Bird Clubs of America - Dick Ivy, Editor

Produces a small nut covered with a soft golden colored fruit twice a year, each tree in its own cycle, so fruit is available all year round. Some parrots in the Tropics choose it as a main diet. Native of Brazil (the Hyacinth Macaw loves them); it grows outside in Florida and Southern California. Who likes them? Macaws, Greys, Cockatoos, Amazons (acclimation for some), other birds. What's it like? Outer cover is sticky, sweet, fibrous, very nutritious and high in palm oil, Vitamin E, A and Beta carotene. Some parrots will chew for 20 min. on just one. The nut inside is small and hard. Most birds can't crack it. If the fruit and nut is hit with a heavy hammer or axe, the birds will eat the little nut inside the shell. Hammer gets sticky. The oil, it appears, is not fattening. If fruit is green, refrigerate it to keep it from drying out. Freeze what you can't use in 2 weeks, for later.

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Thanks for the post regarding the link lovemygreys.


I went back to it and found the conatact info at the bottom of the page!! :P


I called and left a message....I'll let the others know when I hear back from him.


Thanks again Makena for finding this link. :-)

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I contacted Richard Sawyer.


He is a very personable Man that owns a Queen Palm Orchard. He also owns a CAG and 2 Hyacinth Macaws.


They all just love the Palm Nuts. He said it takes them about 20 minutes to eat one. So they need to work for it. :-)


He goes out and picks the Orders fresh when he receives them. The trees bare fruit all year round.


The minimum order is $100 for 50 pounds!!


You must get a fedex account so you can provide him with your fedex number to ship them to you and then fedex will bill the shipping charges to you depending on which method you select.


You simply send him a check and he pulls your order and ships it.


I am going to see how many Grey owners I can rally up here to split the 50 pounds. I do not own a separate freezer to store that large of a quantity.


You need to freeze what you will not use in a week so they will not start turning vinegary.


He also said that you can smash the Nut once your Grey has stripped the flesh and give it back to them. It contains a Coconut type of center that they love.


You may all want to do the same unless you own a freezer.


His contact info is:


Richard Sawyer

P.O. Box 854

Naples, Florida 34106

(239) 248-2165

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