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where to begin

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hello again guys!! as u probably know now me and partner have had our first greys elvis and rambo just over a week (they live seperately)and both are doing well and settling in quite easily.im jus wondering whens the best time to start trying to play with the bird and take the next step as all elvis wants to do is sit on my lap r my shoulder and blatently refuses to sit on his cage! i dont mind this at all it makes me feel special to him but hes sat all day and then all night doing nothing is this how they like it for a while? ive got him loads of toys and ive tried introducving them from a distance but he jus looks then has a feel and turns his back lol

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How old are these Greys? Issac started becoming more assertive with toys in his 10th week or so. It can be hard to find one that they really like to go at at first. Issac loved to sit on my chest for nice long periods of time at first and would run over to me if I sat down on the couch to do so. I would enjoy the cuddly periods as they fade super fast. Not that they don;t have cuddly moments when they age a bit, but the warm sittings with them certainly decrease.


Try peek-a-boo on the ground with a towel over your head. It is a fun one with the babies...in fact Issac still likes that one. Hide under it and peek out saying 'peek-a-boo' and cover up again. I'll be darned if he won't want to get under there with you. Roll toys on the ground and even pay with them yourself to show him that they are fun. They will come around. ;)

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Hi Louise,

These babies are still pretty young, yes? They will let you know soon enough when they want to play. Start off with small foot toys, that they won't be afraid of. As Elvenking says, these baby cuddles don't last long, so enjoy them while you can.

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The others have all given good comments.


Your grey is about 13 weeks old now. That is an infant and is acting as such with the lap sitting, fluffing up and probably even laying down and sleeping. They do explore a little and check out small foot toys like lyn suggested. Just lay a small toy on the chair arm or cushion where your baby can see it. If you see it become uncomfortable remove it, if not leave it and he or she will probably get curious and check it out.


Your interactions seem very normal at this young age. Believe me, the hellion child in to everything will soon emerge as it starts exploring all the fun items to go check out and tear apart. :)

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well guys elvis is well and truly feeling his feet now!! flying all over and seems to love the sink drainer he jus flys ti it all time and sits watchin out window!! guna teach him to wash pots i think lol!! had a few issues with biting today and bloody heck can he crunch little devil!!!! lol he blatently refuses to return to his cage and screams at me and bites hard when try put him away!! had to physically place him on floor off cage and shut door fast hes soo quick and jus jumps back out!! proves he loves me like i love him i keep telli mnyself hehe

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