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Issac And His Formula


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So, as most know, I still give Issac his formula and he is probably at around 40-45 weeks now. Why do you suppose he still loves this so much? As soon as i say, "Wanna Eat?". He goes nuts. If you have seen the video before of him hopping from the refrigerator, to my back, to the counter, to the top of the microwave, and back to the table. He will even sometimes grab onto the cup I am mixing it in and shake it vigorously in an effort to tell me, "Hey lets get this thing going!" He loves the stuff and i give it to him in the morning and for dinner.


So did I do something to make him love it so much. He still munches on his vegetables quite well in the afternoon, and i give him some whole grain noodles with red palm on them for a little pre-bed snack at around 9:30PM. Along with any seeds and nuts he gets along the way, which is typically the lesser percentage of his diet.


I have to guess that he really likes it. Either that or I just haven't nailed enough favorite foods outside of his formula. He does share dinner with me when it's appropriate for his diet. I know I shouldn't complain but has anyone ever had a Grey that loved baby formula so much??

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Quite a lot of parrots enjoy formula way past the time owners think the bird should be finished with it. Formula can't hurt and if it's good formula, it can actually benefit the bird in physical and psycholical ways. The big problem is not enough formula in the beginning, not too much and body function will never be affected.


After a certain amount of time has passed and he's still taking it, look upon it as you would feel about oatmeal. Many love oatmeal and it's harmless. So, you really shouldn't worry about it in the future.

Edited by Dave007
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Quite a lot of parrots enjoy formula way past the time owners think the bird should be finished with it. Formula can't hurt and if it's good formula, it can actually benefit the bird in physical and psycholical ways. The big problem is not enough formula in the beginning, not too much and body function will never be affected.


Yeah, I do take heart in the fact that he gets such good nutrition, and I often marvel at how healthy and beautiful he is. I just sometimes get this thing in me where I am looking into his eyes as he is chugging formula from a syringe and have to ask, "Is this right?" The community here constantly reassures me that it is, I guess I need a refresher sometimes. Also, with the way he went flying around town the other day, he definitely has great stamina and agility. He can make tight hair pin turns in the sky and take corners like I would never imagine a bird to do. He's a total ace. Depending on how much he eats outside of his formula, he will get 35-50cc's in a feeding. He has gotten extremely efficient, I use a Monoject syringe with a fat tip and no tube...this little guy drops nothing...we make a perfect team when it comes to feeding. ;)


It is good to hear that you know that there are many a bird that enjoy formula after the weaning period. That gives comfort.


Oh and thanks JayD for the humorous reminder. ;)

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mines still love it and they are way past a year old. i think it tastes good to.



Okay so...uhmm....wow. LOL!


Well, it is good to hear that they love it still....I can't say I have had a chance to sample it myself. :)

Edited by Elvenking
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I make some formula for Kito once a week or so. She gets all excited about it until after she eats a mouthful or two then she's done. I read somewhere that it's a good idea to feed formula or applesauce or something in a syringe once in a while so that if you ever have to medicate your bird you will not have a problem.

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I didn't hand feed Moussa myself, but I did give him supplemental feedings of formula and other soft mushy foods from a spoon. He's 6 months now, and he still loves to be fed something mushy from a spoon. He'll get really excited if he sees me stirring something with a spoon, and he'll come running and want some of it.

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