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3 Yr. Old Grey with Cage & Accessories For Sale - Indiana


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We are looking for a new home for Zeke, our 3 year old African Grey parrot. We acquired him from some friends of ours who had two young boys. He was with them for three years, so he is used to children. We have only had him 5 months (since March). He is a very good bird and really deserves a great home. We work and are gone a lot and he is just not getting the companionship and attention that he needs. He is well socialized and has done well with strangers when we have company over. He has a very good vocabulary. He loves the shower & playing in the water in the kitchen sink. He also gets along with our Shih Tzu. He tends to prefer women, but gets along with men too. He loves to put his head down and have me rub/scratch it. When my husband tells him to “Give me a wing” he will raise his wing and let him rub underneath it. When he hears music he bobs his head and says, “Get Down”. Like I said, he is a great bird, but to be fair to him he needs a home where he can have more constant companions.


We are asking $1,000.00. This price includes 32"W x 24"D x 6 1/2'H cage (shown below), many toys, shower perch, tree play stand and food.




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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I think we give ourselves way too much credit when we say that our presence alone will make a bird not have baggage. many animals go from one forever home to the next and demonistrate no baggae. From what I have read what makes parrots pluck and act out for the most part is their owners indulging them whenevers they get a chance. makes them neurotic so the experts say, and as a parrot expert myself I tend to agree.

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Poor baby, 3 homes in 3 years, there will be baggage....Jay


Yes Jay, I agree, I adopted Rikki when she was 2 1/2 years old. I was her 4th and forever home. And YES, they DO come with baggage. Due to the fact that in 4 homes, EVERYTHING they experience, how they are handled, fed, etc. is different. I even had the privelege of emailing or calling her last 2 owners to ask how they did things in trying not to upset or stress her anymore than she was. I have had her now for 2+ years, and she is finally settling in and perhaps thinking that this IS her forever home. :) Learning to trust so many people and believe that they won't be shipped off again in such short a time is difficult for a grey.


Sorry for the off-topic. I hope you are able to find that forever home for your bird. I wish you the best!

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