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jackson want step up


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ok Me and Jackson is going around and round when it is time to go back into his cage.Ive tryed treats and talk sweet but nope he runs to the other side of his cage and will try to beak me hard. not biting but putting his beak on me real hard to let me know he means bus.when he was younger he would step up and go into his cage fine. but now his older 20weeks tomorrow he will not go into his cage .i have to pull his toes off of what ever they are around tight. i pull him and he beaks me..what to do???other then that his perfect..

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Jackson is asserting his independence Tanya and telling you he wants to control when he goes back into his cage. Do not feed or provide him any water outside of his cage so if he gets hungry or thirsty he has to go back inside to get any and then use that chance to close the door. You can also have him step up on your hand then take your thumb and put it over his talons to keep him on your hand until you have him back inside the cage, do this sometimes during the later part of the day and leave his door open so he doesn't associate that with always being put back inside to close the door.

You will have to get creative on getting him back inside his cage at night since he is flighted and he knows he can escape you but why not do a search on this forum to find similar threads with the same type of problem for you might find something that works for you.

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Hi Mama, work on "Step-up" and step-up with a perch, don't let him bite you, that's not good for you. Keep calm, talk softly. If he goes to beak you, back off, say "no Jackson, I don't like that" softly, then approach him again saying "don't bite, step-up"...When you put him to bed at night, do it at a different time each night....Try to hold him more each day....Luv Jay

Edited by Jayd
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I am uncertain, but it seems he is on his cage, possibly on a playtop when you are wanting to step-up to place him back in his cage?


Is this at bedtime or possibly at different times of the day you need to place him in the cage?


Please be careful when pulling him up while his talons are grasping a perch or cage bars. They are very small birds and their bodies are not constructed to with stand very much force.


As the others have suggested, change your demeanor if your not relaxed, do not let him bite (Also do not give him a reason to like trying to rip him loose from a perch). At 20 weeks old he is very much a baby still and thus you ar ejust recieving hard clamp downs, not really what I would consider a bite. But, I will guarantee you if you keep doing this, they will turn into bites.


Try some type of positive attractor like a favorite toy, treat or something you know he loves. The trick is to get him to let go first of whatever he is hanging on to. Make him step-up onto your hand to get whatever it is ithat will attract him to get to it. Hopefully this will work for you.

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