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Concerned about a bump on Sully's face


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Afternoon everyone.


I was playing with Sully a few minutes ago, and I noticed a red bump on his face. When i touched it, it seemed like it has a ball underneath it. It's very small,and almost impossible to see. It's right under his right eye. It almost looks like a pimple. Do greys get pimples around their eyes? I know that there are little feathers there, so I was just wondering if that happens? It's also possible that he bumped his face on something, but it doesn't look like that kind of bump.


I'm super concerned, and I will be making a vet appointment in the morning... just wondering what you guys think. I uploaded a picture, but you can barely see it because of the flash.


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Thanks :)

I'm hoping it's just an irritation... it seems to possibly be forming a little white head on it... and it doesn't cause him any pain. Either way- off to the vet in the morning! (it's time for his checkup anyway. He's 17 weeks old on Wednesday- and is almost completely weaned! He wouldn't even take formula this evening... just wanted his apples and seed :/ my baby is growing up :(

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Hey everyone!


Update on Sully's bump. I called the vet and asked about it and he said that it is common for babies that are being handfed to get a zit-like bump on their face from their face not being clean thouroughly enough after being fed. He simply suggested using a warm damp washcloth to make sure I get all the food off, and to keep an eye on it, and if it did anything other than go away, to come in. Well, it's almost all gone now!!

Thanks for the concern everyone! :)

I will be taking Sully in for his first checkup soon. I'm a little hesitant to take him until he is a little older, because of fear of him getting sick from the vet's office. Is this a silly fear?

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