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billies swolem face and black eye

baa waa

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Does the vet think he is in pain? If not and he is eating good like you said. Why not let him live out his days, weeks etc. in the surroundings of loved ones? Just asking, no pressure, only you know how he is. It;s just so sad, it always is.

Edited by danmcq
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The vet said he is struggling to breathe properly which obviously causin Billy distress!! He's going mad at his eye and face where the absyss is which he is making very sore and the vet thinks this is causing him pain!! Mum is going to talk to the vet herself when she gets back I've just passed on everything I've been told bt I don't think if it was my bird I could make him carry on knowing was distressed and hurting and getting worse each day!!! Not fair to Billy he don't deserve to suffer! It's extremely sad he's a wonderful talker and even tho can't handle him alot he's a loverly bird

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does the vet think he is in pain? If not and he is eating good like you said. Why not let him live out his days, weeks etc. In the surroundings of loved ones? Just asking, no pressure, only you know how he is. It;s just so sad, it always is.


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I wish my mother was in this site because I've done everything I can for billie while She's been away and it's upset me dearly!! If there was anything I could do believe me I'd do it!! In ur opinion would an absyss hurt and cause distress because I can only go on what the vet has told me and if billie was in no pain there would be no thort if putting him to sleep!

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Yes it really bothers me too even tho billies not mine hr still means alot he's a

Grey and a life and it don't deserve to be cut so short!! The vet will try but it's doubtful and will cost mum hundreds and hundreds jus to try which if am

Honest she jus hasn't got the

Money!!! Believe me if billie not in pain or when mum speaks to vet tomorrow there is something r sumway he can carry on then he will but no way will she let Billy suffer that's unfair after what he's gone through already it's jus terrible for him!

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This is so sad and heartbreaking.Ive been reading all thepost and keeping up with billie.I hate to think his suffering...My heart just breaks over him.Im sorry to you mum and billie and to you.Ill keep in and ur family in my prayers.Ive been thinking of him since i read the first post. please keep us informed....This forum is more then a forum.. we are all family....

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We have had Billie back at the vets and they have said no way could he carry on he is suffering and would suffer!! BILLIE IS NOW GONE AND OUT OF PAIN forever!! We have done the right thing by him and least now he can sleep in peace!!! Thankyou allfor your kind words and help is jus soo soo sad and upsetting to lose billie but i know he's out of pain and free now!!!

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I am so sorry to hear this. The good out of this, is he was deeply loved, felt secure finally as he could in your home and at least was properly taken care of with the vet attention he needed.


I hope you know, you did all you could to try and provide him what you thought would be a home he could finally feel at peace in, love and security.


You and you Mother have my condolences, tears and heart felt thanks for all you did.

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I am so sorry that you and your mom have had to go through this with Billie, you both will be in my prayers for peace & comfort. Billie is flying free now & in no pain. This is the hardest & also the kindest thing that could be done. Bless you & your mom.

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Thankyou all!! I have told mum about all your kind and thoughtful messages and she's very touched!!! Asni say billie

Is now flying free away from any pain r suffering!!! Be free billie and be happy in your new place up there!!!

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