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Any tips on protecting Diego against Halogen Hobbs?


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My house is pretty safe for Diego as it has been child proofed with having 2 young children. Other things we did before getting Diego was putting all the tv wires under the unit into wire tidy's, windows have clinks on them, although my husband still walks into the patio doors when I've cleaned them LOL.


However, I am scared stiff of Diego getting hurt in the kitchen. I don't have anything out that could hurt him, knifes are safely put away etc. again from having children. But what do people do about their cooker tops? I have a halogen hobb which takes a while to cool down, I have a hobb guard for the children, but obviously Diego can fly above this and I am scared stiff that he will one day decide to see what is cooking for his dinner! Unfortunately I have no door to close as it is an open plan kitchen, has anyone got any ideas or tips of how I can make it a safe area until I can train him that the kitchen is a no go area.


At the moment, when he wonders into the kitchen, I do ask him to step up and put him back into the living area saying not here Diego and then give him a treat when he is back into the living room. But this is going to take time for him to realise that the Kitchen is not a good place, and even then you know the saying "curiosity killed the cat!"

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A friend of mine had to put those beaded door curtains at both entrances of her kitchen her maca LOVED to climp up and visit her hot stove!

I'm not even sure if anyone even sells those type of decor anymore!!



That's a fab idea, although I don't know how long they would stay up with my 2 boys. Here in Spain you can get them everywhere, the Spanish love their beaded fly curtains LOL

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not sure if you've looked into it and not up to date on cookers(lol) as to a halogen hob but you can buy hob covers that guard your hob while it cools...some are stainless steel and some a tempered glass type...they look good too!!!

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There must be some sort of heat proof mat you could get to lay over the top when not in use - I'm imagining something quilted like an oven mitt! But the heat protection matts in ironing boards have teflon in them...... What about an actual kitchen fire blanket, what are they made of? Are they heat/fire PROOF or just designed to cut the oxygen out? Could the top side be covered in something more attractive?


(I am very tired and may be talking gibberish...)

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(I am very tired and may be talking gibberish...)


Not at all Tweedle, all ideas are very welcome!


I've been looking on the internet and for my type of hobb there are no covers that I can see. You can buy a similar hobb with a glass raised cover attached but nothing to fit stand alone. At the moment, Diego seems to be staying clear of the kitchen area. However, I'm still watching him closely when there is any cooking going on. At the moment I am putting pans over the hot parts which I think will be fine until I come across something else.

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There must be some sort of heat proof mat you could get to lay over the top when not in use - I'm imagining something quilted like an oven mitt! But the heat protection matts in ironing boards have teflon in them...... What about an actual kitchen fire blanket, what are they made of? Are they heat/fire PROOF or just designed to cut the oxygen out? Could the top side be covered in something more attractive?

(I am very tired and may be talking gibberish...)

Good suggestion, Possibly. if Diego happened to chew it, it could be un-safe.... Maybe just pot's and pans or something not inviting might be the best to start with...[get some rest,]


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I have had problems with one of my birds and the stove. After cooking, I put the pan back on with some water in it ubtil the stove cools down. I also put scarey things like big mit pot holders around the edges that they are scared off and won't venture towards them.

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That's a great idea putting something he is scared of by the cooker. Now I've just got to work out what he's scared of, difficult with an Amazon who likes to act like he's scared of nothing. LOL. Oooo, I've just had an idea with this, above the hobb is an extractor fan, maybe if I pull this out and put it on full blast the noise may scare him from approaching. Thanks Talon :)

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