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Need some help

Guest ashez

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Guest ashez

So, Shaddix is about 13 weeks and he seems to be getting sick of his formula. I do keep three different types of food in there to see which one he likes best but all he seems to do is play around with them. He has the Zupreem Natural and I mix that with the Zupreem fruits and veggies. He also has the Nutri-Berries, which he absolutely loves playing with. There for a while I thought he was eating them but all I ever see is it all shredded at the bottom of the cage. Now I have tried soaking the food, getting them a little wet, etc. He wont eat them, just plays with them and who knows, maybe even eats a little but not enough to consider it fully eaten ya know? This wouldn't be a big deal but now he seems like he's uninterested in his formula. When it comes to the morning feeding time, I have the hardest time getting him to eat. The first bite is always the easiest but the rest, he just doesn't seem interested. This goes for his lunch time feeding as well. However, at dinner time, he always seems to be starving, which is when he will definitely eat eat eat. Nothing has changed with his formula and I still do everything the same. Also, when I give him fruits and veggies, he also just plays around with them. He does seem interested, but he doesn't seem to understand that he can't suck them down like he can the formula. So, what else should I try for his feeding because it honestly seems as though he's ready to start eating other foods. And he does seem to like the ones I have in there but for some reason, he seems as though he'd rather play as opposed to really eat, unless he just can't figure out how.


Now, he is very very active. He constantly climbs up and down in his cage, going from perch to perch. And he loves playing with his toys. Yesterday, at feeding, he actually flew away which was the very first time he's every actually flown. He does always seem to flap his wings though. So with that, all is good there...just got to get the eating figured out. :confused:

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Hello and Welcome... At his age he could be down to 1-2 formulas a day, try one at diner time. Here's some threads that might offer some help:http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding!&highlight=abundant+feeding http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190484-Need-some-help!

What we do is put pellets, seeds, cheerio's, fresh veggies and a small amount of fresh fruit, etc... we never let fresh food sit out more than a couple of hours, a lot is wasted. Right now, your baby is keeping his weight down, he'd rather fly and play instead..

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There's nothing unusual about him getting sick of that morning formula feed. He's telling you that more chewable solid food is what he wants. Refusing a formula feeding is simply the bird starting to wean off the formula. It's already starting with the lunch feeding.That's eventually gonna hapen with all the formula feedings. He'll eventually start biting into that more solid food. Your bird is very active, playful, trying to fly, likes to investigate all things. This isn't a sign of a bird who's malnourished. He'll eat as soon as he's hungry enough and you may have to change the more solid food to a different brand because many birds will accept one type over another.

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Guest ashez

I'll give it a go and will just do two feedings a day, morning and night...and the rest of the time he can munch on the food in his cage..if he still wishes to not have morning food then I'll cut it to dinner feeding formula only. What are some other good brands as opposed to the one's he's already being fed? He really loves the Nutri-berries but I'm not sure if its just to play with or what. I just feel bad because at each feeding, his crop is always empty...and he's still refusing...I'm worried that he is completely hungry. But I guess if that were true, he'd eat the food in his cage or will eat at the feeding times, huh? I have a vet background (with cats and dogs) so when an animal doesn't eat, it doesn't sit very well which probably explains all of my worrying. But yep, he is active...


Any other brand foods that I should try will be much appreciated...unless I should just keep giving him the Nutri-berries plus all the other food w/fresh veggies and such, and see where it takes him?

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This might be helpful.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190531-Can-anyone-help-me-to-understand-what-Diego-is-trying-to-say-to-me :)


Zupreem, Harrison's, are my personal favorite pellets. Seed's: Volkman [no-sun] Royal, large hookbill, no sun's..

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I feed my grey Harrisons and it is the one most recommended by avian vets, Josey snacks on hers all day long. The nutriberries are more of a treat so I would not let them be a big part of his diet, provide a good pellet, fresh veggies, some nuts, legumes and a little seed.

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