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Update on Tui (if anyone would like to read)

Cheshire Cat

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As stated in my last post in my last thread, Tui went to the vet on Monday and it still can't be pinpointed exactly what the problem is. But I'm beginning to think it may be her first molt which is the problem. I've read up on this and spoke to the manager of the pet shop I got Tui from (who also has a Grey of her own) and she was saying how bad their first molt can be.


I'm taking all necessary action to help her now which the vet advised me. I want to tackle this from all angles.


Tui hasn't plucked in front of any of us now for a few days and the feathers on her chest are starting to grow back little by little. My mom and fiancee have noticed that the feathers are coming back very slowly. I've been cleaning her cage bottom daily and less and less feathers are appearing. I saw three this morning, whereas last week her cage was littered with them.


I brought a big bottle of Aloe Vera juice today from a health shop and began sprays with it. I can't really tell as of yet if it's helping, but I'm sure it will assist her recovery.


On a sidenote, I'm not sure if anyone in here is religious, but my mom said she was pray for Tui as we've all been extremely worried about her. Strangely enough the day after the first night my mom prayed for her, she opened a book she had from church and the page was entitled "Sparrow's Flight" and stated that God knows even when a sparrow falls and can see all creatures, not only humans. Me and my mom were both very puzzled by this, but also enlightened. I'm not particularly religious myself, but I do keep Tui in my prayers, too.

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That's a very heartening thing to hear.


I've been using the Aloe Juice on Pippa for a week now, and do believe there is new growth coming through that hasn't been pulled out yet! The jury's still out, but I have everything crossed that this may be the thing that makes the difference.

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I'd already read Dave's thread on Aloe Vera and the product I brought was from a health and fitness shop at the local mall which is 100% juice. I started off with about a quarter Aloe Vera; I don't want to over do it just in case it doesn't agree with Tui's skin, but so far there doesn't seem to be any problems with it.

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Thank you all so much for your kind words, prayers and thoughts. For a while I was very embarrassed about posting because I was starting to think people would assume I've neglected Tui. No one knows how much I've worried/stressed over her and even spent out to get her well again. :) She's become very clingy to me and my fiancee of late; we've been pampering her a lot. And I'm so glad that people are noticing her feather re-growth. I asked my fiancee again today if he noticed her feathers and he said, "Yes, I told you that yesterday." My mom just smiled and said, "She (meaning me) just needs security and encouragement to know Tui's okay."

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I think it's sometimes the stigma that can be attached to a plucking bird. A lot of people (most who aren't even bird owners/lovers) assume it's something you've done wrong. Even if I have done something wrong along the way, I'm trying my very best to make sure I can make it right in future for her.

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This news sounds encouraging. Thanks for the update.


I think everyone here realizes what complex creatures these are and that a plucking problem can sometimes seem to come out of the blue. I think your first molt theory is about as good as any. Try not to be too stressed and anxious, as Tui can pick up on that.


That's a really cool story about your mom. Sounds like the universe is trying to give you a message. ;) I dropped Tui's name in the "Miracle Jar" at church last Sunday evening (along with a couple of other of "our" birds here on the forum who could use some healing). Never hurts, huh?

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Oh yes, I read your post about Tui and I thought you were going to name him Tiki instead. So, you decided on Tui in the end? Yay!! It's such a lovely birdie name. I named my bird Tui after seeing the Grey named Tui on YouTube which was owned by Andrew (kskiwi online) and I fell in love with her and Greys. So it was decided when my parents agreed I could have a Grey the bird would be named Tui. ;)


I adored Andrew's videos and was so upset when I found out what happened to Tui. He never found her, did he? Last I heard he'd moved back to New Zealand as he said in one of his videos that he couldn't take her to NZ and had to stay in the US.

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