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:confused:It always amazes me when the birds answer appropriately to complex ideas….a few days ago, I was cleaning the cages and I walked by Joey’s cage and told him that I would be cleaning his cage soon. As I walked away, I heard Joey say “Okay”.

I didn’t think too much about it, thinking it may have been a fluke so I was a little surprised when the next night, I told him that I had to wash his water dish and I would be back with fresh water,

(he had been asking for “Good Water”). He again answered “Okay”.

Today, I was leaving for work and I told him I would see him later and again, he replied “Okay” before giving his contact call.

He must have picked it up by listening to Jay or I talking and asking each other to do something to which we answer “Okay”…

Verrrryyy interesting….



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Facinating isn't it?? I posted my bird conversation on the vocabulary stricky thread thingie....Rebel constantly amazes me with the words she uses in context. I guess somewhere along the line she picks it up from us, but I don't often go around the house asking WHY? So where did she get that from and how does she know when to use it? They are smart little buggers!!


Rebel is always calling "Pappa..Pappa.." When I say Pappa is not here baby, she says Why? then when I tell her he's working she comes back with various replies but the one that got me recently was "for toys" I cracked up laughing and said yes baby for toys.


Always something new......

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There is no doubt their cognitive abilities are there and proven by not only studies such as Dr, Irene Pepperberg, but also by examples as Joey in Spocks story.


There is a congitive sticky here you can read of such abilties, if you haven't already.


Thanks for sharing this Maggie. :)

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Always love these stories. It's just spooky how smart they are sometimes. A friend calls it "scary smart."


So ... if they're saying all these intelligent things, how much more are they actually thinking? And then on top of that, they're psychic!


(hums theme to Twilight Zone)

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OMG this just happened to me the other day too, I had closed her cage for the night and was getting ready to cover it, But had walked away to fill the dogs dish up with water first, and when calypso doesnt get covered soon enough and her door is shut, she starts to do the whole "digging like a bull" thing, like she is going to get out....And slightly frustrated since I was tired, lol, I said " Hang on! " And I hear the in the most eeri little human voice "Okkkaayyy" Its weird when they are cognitivly speaking it seems to be when they speak thier clearest, and sort of quite. At least this is the case for calypso. And it sounds so freakin' scary sometimes, lol

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