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Birdless and a bit unsettled!


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So my husband and I are in South Carolina visiting his family for the week and I dropped Yoshi off at the breeders place yesterday morning. I miss her so much already! We average 4 or 5 weeks away from home a year, and have only been away from Yoshi 3 times in her life and never longer than a week.


Our breeder, a very nice lady, takes her for $6 a day, so that's not bad. She loves seeing all her babies grown up :) I always feel weird leaving her though... She should be just fine, she always gets new toys there and spoilt with foraging nuts and treats. She knows the lady and seems fine with her. The one thing the breeder and I totally disagree on is clipping and she wasn't happy when I boldly said she is growing some flights in and I don't want them clipped. She said Yoshi won't be out as much then and I said okay. She even had the cheek to say that most people that let their birds fly regret it when their birds get away and she would hate for Yoshi to get away and starve because of my decision... Well she is old and stuck in her ways but that did bug me. She was the one who ignored my decision not to clip in the first place and clipped her as a baby. She is a great breeder and caring person too but we just are opposites on the clipping aspect. It's obvious she thinks I'm irresponsible and uneducated to let her be flighted but I think she is the one that should learn more lol.


But anyway, I pick Yoshi up Sat morning so I hope she will be alright until then! I feel weird with no bird to look after and give cuddles to!

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My baby just got done flying away yesterday, and I still stick by my decision to never clip him. If I wasn't so stressed out about getting him back, I would have thought it was amazingly beautiful the way he was soaring while he was doing circles around me was gorgeous in retrospect. Also, the way they can go where they want lets you know more about them and gives them confidence.


While Issac was gone yesterday, I missed him immensely...I know what you mean about not having your bird to cuddle and love.


Anyway, make sure that breeder does not get any ideas.

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Aw you'll soon be cuddling her again! And you know what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder!

We left Alfie for a whole day last week! Mum kept her and the dogs company, but Alfie didn't get out of her cage all day, and do you know what?? She was fine when we got home!!! Lol that was a first for us all!

I hope Yoshi comes back to you unclipped - geeze what is it about people and crippling their birds!! If you don't want a pet that flies, get a hamster! Or a cat, a dog a guinea pig! Anything but a bird!!

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As the days of you vacation go on, the longing for Yoshi will increase exponentially. I am taking bets, that by Thursday night, you will be telling your husband your leaving Friday to pick Yoshi up. :P


I had the same issue with my breeder and clipping... but the were great breeders and going on their own decades of propaganda as well.... Still love them though. :)

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I really feel for you missing Yoshi, I haven't left Biscotti for more than about 8 hrs. since I've had him & I know when the time comes I will feel terrible separation anxiety.

I also got major pressure from Biscotti's breeder to clip his wings, and I kept telling her not to. Thank god she didn't do it, I feel like it would be cutting his arms off. He loves to fly SO much. I'm sure Yoshi will be a happy flyer soon!!

Have a fun happy reunion with Yoshi on Saturday! :)

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