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Spock here always..


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:) I was reading something on the forum, and it made me sad, I guess my eye's misted up, Spock flew over and landed on my arm, beaked my nose, fluffed a little and stared at me and softly Cooed. It's nice to know your cared for.:(
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I've always believed that animals know when you're upset. I was very upset the other morning when I had to wash Tui. I took her in the bathroom and as a lot of you are aware, she's been plucking. I sat down and started to cry because of it and she stopped in her tracks and looked right into my eyes and tilted her head as if to say, "What's wrong?" I know I shouldn't have cried in front of her with it involving her, but it was frustrating me as I didn't know what was happening with her.


Sometimes animals seem to offer that comfort we all need, even though they can't physically say or do anything. But just seeing their eyes, makes you see they only mean well.

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What is this "coo" sound you all speak of? I'm not sure I've ever heard this.

touching Jay =)

Spock will sit by our picture window and watch outside, we have wild doves in our yard, he likes to make the soft Coo sounds the doves make, it's very sweet......Maggie

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They sure do have a way of brightening our lives don't they? :)

Yoshi will join me in a chair or the bed sometimes when I'm upset and scoot up close to my hand and bow her head as if to say, 'give me a good scratch it'll make you feel better' and her company always does :) if I'm ignoring her she will keep scooting and push her head against my hand and just wait lol. She is so funny!

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