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Help with my new baby!!

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hi guys! i picked up my first baby grey saturday and he is around 12 weeks old!! he was very boystrous when went to collect him just like each time ive visited previously! was eating well and not interested in hand rearing food anymore!! when got him home he turned very quiet which i expected with the change but also wasnt interested in feedin at all so tried to give some warm bedtime scrambled egg as advised and all he did was scream at me mouth wide and refuse the egg!! really worried me he seemed so distraught bless him! settled him for the night and my partner was worried so got up at 5am to check and he was sat eating but laid on floor! im really glad hes eating now and feel more settled but i havent seen him have 1 drink yet is this normal please???? he realy does jus want snuggling constantly and vries when put away he seem to have reverted back to a helpless little baby is this normal 2 as im new to all this and despite all the reading and research propr to getting him still would like some advice to settle my own mind!!

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To me personally 12 weeks is to early to stop the formula, Grey's drink very little water, the also get it from their food etc. You might want to read this thread, I've been helping them with a similar problem with their baby...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190531-Can-anyone-help-me-to-understand-what-Diego-is-trying-to-say-to-me

Diego is a Amazon, doesn't matter...Jayd

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12 weeks seems early to me as well, ours seemed to stop at about 16-17 weeks

although not every grey is the same, maybe if you think you're having problems offer a small amount of both foods

Although I'm no expert ...just a thought

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well baa waa mines 12 weeks now & refuses her formula point blank ! shes eating her mash, pellets & fruit no problem, she sometimes cries & crouches down when i put the plate of mash down for her because she wants me to feed it to her, but if i just step away she looks at me then scoffs the lot rofl.gif, as for water she isnt a big drinker, i see her drinking in the morning out of her cup while im re filling it & have seen her once or twice drink in the cage so she knows where it is , so no worries there !

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

its never too early to stop feeding them formula. mix in some fruit and it tastes pretty good.


donts let them get fat though. rofl


thats not healthy.

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You might want to read this thread, I've been helping them with a similar problem with their baby...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...g-to-say-to-me


Jayd has been fantastic helping me solve Diego's not eating, he's doing so well now following their advice and Diego is a different bird now that he has a full tummy :) This forum is fantastic for the advice and help given, so you've come to the right place :)

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Your baby definetly sounds like it still wants formula. Read up on how to handfeed your baby. It will seem intimidating at first, but its not hard. Your baby will be healthier and happier for it :)


Our baby started refusing formula at 10 weeks. We still offered two feedings until 12 weeks and then cut it down to one. Cosmo is 16 weeks old now and we still offer a feeding before bedtime. He usually only takes a spoonful or two of it tops. But I'd rather offer it and him not want it than him need it and not get it.

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It's not uncommon for a young one to stop eating formula and then start in again. You could try a different brand of formula, you can add a 1/4 tsp of organic peanut butter or baby food carrot's, banana, apple sauce, etc. I could very well be wrong, but he still might desire formula..Try feeding your baby with spoon, formula stimulates eating solid food...Jayd

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Thanks for all that jayd! Elvis seems so much happier today he's eaten well both seed an greens and also had a little

baby food which he really enjoyed!! He's been alot more playful today and shown loadsmof interest in his toys when out of cage which was a pleasure to watch!! He's changed so much in just a day

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