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New to forum and grays!!


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Hello all,

I am new to the forum and to being owned buy a gray. I have had conures before and they were a blast. I had to give them up for adoption about 4 years ago and have missed my feathered friends ever since. I recently adopted an congo african gray off of craigs list last week. I am not sure of the sex of the bird but I will have her DNA'd asap to find out. I was told she was 6 years old and says a few things. She was not fed a good diet only the crapy seed mixes you see in wal-mart they told me she would not eat anything other than the seed mix. They also told me her cage had not been cleaned in three weeks. I went out and bought Zupreem fruit blend for her and tossed the seed mix, I know you should swich their food slowly however I feel if I had left the seed in with her she would not have ate the zupreem. I gave her the zupreem in her bowl and she sat and ate for about 15 min. I was so happy to see her eat somthing that was good for her. My question for you that own or are owned by grays is: If they stop learning to talk and pick up new words at what age do they do so?

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Welcome 1gray!


It's always good to hear of someone opening their home to a rescue.


Please get a digital scale if you don't have one. Check weight first thing in the morning after the first big bomb. This will give you a weight baseline. Switching to pellets over night is not recommended, as you know. You do not want your grey to start losing weight. Pellets by themselves are not a complete diet and were never intended to be so. Also give fruit like apples, grapes etc, 2x a week and vegetables everyday. Nuts like almonds and walnuts are healthy for them. Go to our food room and check it out. It is full of great advice.


A Grey never stops learning. Six years old is a very young grey considering they can live to 50 or 60 if kept in good health. I would also recommend a check up at an avian certified vet office to ensure all is well with your grey.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :)

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Hello 1Gray and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you adopted an older grey in need of a good home.

I can't say that I agree with you on changing her diet so abruptly but it was good she took to the pellets but she needs other foods besides that, please do look around the bird food room for lots of advice and what to feed your grey.

You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them when you get the chance and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We would love to see some pictures of her if you have some you would share with us, btw, what is her name?

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