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Getting our CAG baby in about 2 weeks....very excited!


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We are very excited. We are expecting our first CAG to be ready in 2 weeks or so to come to our home. Right now its a bit over 11 weeks old. The breeder is spending alot of time with him/her and their neighbors children come over and pet it also. I have 2 girls 7 and 4 years old who love birds. I am hoping to raise our Grey to accept all of us. We are thinking its name will either be Freddy or Ruby. Our breeder has been calling it Freddy. We are going to have it sexed with its feathers this week. The breeder said it was already trying to say something and thought it was trying to say "step up Freddy" She said he/she is a very sweet bird. I got alot of info from the breeder about what Freddy will be eating and have been trying to ask alot of questions. Our bird will be coming home on a plane since its far away. Locally we don't have any close breeders where we could visit and socialize with our baby. Currently we have 2 parakeets that are well loved and come out and play. I hope to get to know all of you and learn from everyones experiences! :)

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Welcome and congratulations Autte!


How exciting! The photo shows a beautiful baby grey, thanks for posting it. :)


Now is definitely the time to be asking asking all the questions and reading all the different topics covered in the rooms here on the forum.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :)

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Hello Autte and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you are soon to be bringing home a baby grey, you are in for a treat you know that.

I hope the flight is short and uneventful and he/she comes to you in fine form but be prepared to deal with a bird who may be a little stressed from the flight but soon should settle in and do just fine.

You will find lots of useful information here in our many threads so do read thru as many as you can before you bring the baby home so you will know what you are dealing with for they are like night and day from parakeets. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Be sure to indulge us with some pics after the arrival for we want to admire your baby grey.

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I got good news today. August 10th is the special day! :) We are very excited. I have 3 books coming on Tuesday so i'll have 1 week to get through them. I have been reading alot online about Grey's trying to prepare. The breeder has been really great with answering our questions. I love the homemade toys part of the forum too. Such creative things. We made our own rolling perch. I am very happy I found this forum...it seems to be full of alot of information that will help us along the way. I cannot stop saying how excited I am.....I cannot wait! :)

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You do seem a little excited and I am excited for you about getting this grey and rightly so for your life will change when this bird arrives and I hope it is a long and happy one, bet you won't sleep much in the coming days and especially the day before the arrival. August 10th will be here before you know it.

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