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Can anyone help me to understand what Diego is trying to say to me?


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Thought I would give everyone an update on how Diego is doing with his food. Over the last few days he has been tucking into most of the veggies I have put in front of him and now excited when I put his fresh food out for the afternoon, I'm soooo happy with the way he is now eating as he is also loving the pellets that I am putting in his bowl.


Now that he is happily eating pellets, should I now be giving just pellets with fresh veg and limited amount of fruit and restrict the seed and nut mix to giving him some every other day or still give him it everyday with the pellets and fresh food? Also since he has been enjoying the pellets, his appetite for the smash in the evening has reduced, is this normal? Also how much pellet is normally consumed in 1 day as there are no guidelines in the box? :)

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Thought I would give everyone an update on how Diego is doing with his food. Over the last few days he has been tucking into most of the veggies I have put in front of him and now excited when I put his fresh food out for the afternoon, I'm soooo happy with the way he is now eating as he is also loving the pellets that I am putting in his bowl.

Now that he is happily eating pellets, should I now be giving just pellets with fresh veg and limited amount of fruit and restrict the seed and nut mix to giving him some every other day or still give him it everyday with the pellets and fresh food? Also since he has been enjoying the pellets, his appetite for the smash in the evening has reduced, is this normal? Also how much pellet is normally consumed in 1 day as there are no guidelines in the box? :)


This is wonderful, I told you you were doing a good job! The Smash and fresh veggies are the most important, followed by pellets [keep the bowl full]and some fruit and treats. We put the pellets in our fids cages after they have their fresh veggies in the afternoon, we take them out in the morning. When a parrot cut's down or stops eating something, it's usually because they find something easier to eat... or they don't like it, lol in Diego's case, it sounds as if it's the first reason...lol

New threads will be posted in a few days on food's and recipes.......


Note: this is only my opioion....

Edited by Jayd
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Since our girls are still 'learning' we leave them everyday in the morning:

- Fresh fruits - Apple and Banana

- (*)Vegetables - A Veggie frozen mix (it has corn, green beans, Carrots, turnip, bruxells sprouts,etc.) we cook for them every day.

- (*)Soaked seeds - We leave a mix of seeds for 12 hours in the water, so that they hydrate, and them we give it to them. This mix we buy in the pet store especcialy for this effect. I think it is a mix also used to feed pigeon (but dry) :confused:

- Pellets

- Water

(*) I alternate this in the morning and in the afternoon. When I give them vegetables in the morning I give the soaked seeds in the afternoon and vice-versa.


We also still give them the baby food once a day.

Edited by pfcarquejo
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would update everyone on Diegos feeding habits now and get some feedback to see if he is receiving now a complete diet. Below is a weekly menu for Diego :)


Monday - Morning (Porridge mash), Afternoon (Fresh steamed veggies), Evening (Evening veggie mash), Left all day for him to pick at (Pellets)

Tuesday - Morning (Porridge mash), Afternoon (Fresh steamed veggies and raw spinach), Evening (Evening veggie mash), Left all day for him to pick at (Seed and nut mix)

Wednesday - Morning (Porridge mash), Afternoon (Fresh steamed veggies with half shelled scrambled egg), Evening (Evening veggie mash), Left all day for him to pick at (Pellets)

Thursday - Morning (Porridge mash), Afternoon (Fresh steamed veggies and raw spinach), Evening (Evening veggie mash), Left all day for him to pick at (Pellets)

Friday - Morning (Porridge mash), Afternoon (Fresh steamed veggies), Evening (Evening veggie mash), Left all day for him to pick at (Seed and nut mix)

Saturday - Morning (Porridge mash), Afternoon (Fresh steamed veggies), Evening (Evening veggie mash), left all day for him to pick at (Pellets)

Sunday - Morning (Porridge mash), Afternoon (Fruit salad), Evening (Evening veggie mash), Left all day for him to pick at (Pellets)


Porridge Mash

Fresh apple sauce

Small amounts of oats and wheat flakes (boiled in water until softened)

Pellets (softened in hot water)

Everything is then blended together and mixed with a small slice of banana


Evening Veggie Mash

2 different veggies, which can be anything from - Butternut squash, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Peas, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Green Beans, Red or Green peppers, Carrots etc.

1 type of soaked and cooked well lentils or beans or brown rice - Garbanzos, Pinto beans, Kidney Beans, Green or red lentils etc.

All blended together, with some parsley.


I hope that I'm on the right track with with his feeding, I weigh him weekly and he is maintianing a steady 480 grams. I've also noticed that his feathers have changed in colour, before he was always very colourful, but now the colours almost jump out at you. They seem to be very 2 tone and the turquoise on him is so vibrant now. Instead of just being green, his main body feathers now have tones of yellow, turquoise and even orange jumping out at you. I know I am biased but he is "Un loro muy, muy guapo!!" (One very very handsome parrot!!). LOL :)

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Sorry to jump in so quick, if I may, cut the spinach to a small amount once a week. substitute,: Kale. Dandelion, turnip, mustard greens instead, spinach inhibits absorption of calcium.. give him white meat chicken/turkey and or cod/salmon a couple times per week for D3.....Mung beans are also great....they also love "raw whole sugar-peas in the pod," a 1/4 slice of good wheat bread, a little cooked pasta. Wonderful job you are doing and have done...Yes, they color up beautiful...Jayd

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Haha Diego is probably sending you a huge thumbs up with the Spinach, this is the only thing he is really not keen on, but mummy keeps bringing him! I will start giving him a little fish as well as we eat lots of that in our household. Unfortunatly Mung beans and also sugar peas have not yet been accepted into the world of Spanish cuisine and so non of the shops stock them. I love sugar peas and get my parents to bring some over from the UK when they visit, but I'm sorry I might give him 1 but otherwise they are all mine! LOL.


I do give him every now and again some wheat bread as this is what we eat as well, so when I make a sandwich I sometimes give him a little so he feels like he's having some lunch with me (not the sandwich contents just the bread). Oh and I forgot to say that I do include pasta into the Evening mash mix as well.


No need to apologise for jumping in so quick Jayd, you have been my mentor on this and was looking forward to hearing your feedback :)

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I think I forgot to mention, hot dried and fresh peppers are great for them, give Diego a slice of a fresh pepper, seeds and all. Another treat and must have is [ I see you give him scrambled egg] a extra hard boiled egg with shell, just cut it in half and give it to Diego that way, 2 or 3 times a week, and the scrambled egg once a week........Jayd

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Thanks Jayd, I had read that hot peppers are OK for parrots as they do not have any saliva. I've always been worried about giving him one just in case this was not true and they are sensitive to the heat. If they are not, then that is great news as it means I have a hot pepper buddy in the house as everyone else explodes after a bit of seasoning of black peppercorns. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finally found it!! After spending months searching on the internet for the wild sounds of Amazons to see if Diego's noises in the video of my first post are natural or developed within a captive environment, I have come across the video below. It is from a conservation site for Blue Fronted Amazons and is of wild Amazons in the nest ready to be fed. The website it was taken from is http://blueparrot.wildlifedirect.org/2009/11/24/parrot-parental-care-watch-this-amazing-video/



As you can hear from the video, they are the exact same noises Diego makes when he is hungry or is feeding. And to think that the breeder told me it was because he was reared near to a goat farm! I had a feeling they were a more natural sound. :)

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Fab :o


I'd love to know which of my grey's noises are natural. My friend used to have a TAG, and often comments about certain noises Pippa makes being exactly the same, and have heard birds at work do the same ones. Some of the sound like quite artificial, human noises though, that they wouldn't hear in the wild.

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