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Can anyone help me to understand what Diego is trying to say to me?


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Hi everyone, Diego and I are new to the forum so would like to first say hello or in Diego's case Hola!


Diego has not been with us for very long and so we are all still getting used to each other. He is 4 months old and is very sweet natured.


Ever since we got him he has always made very strange noises with head bobbing and I have been searching every day for video clips on youtube for Blue Fronted Amazon parrots making the same noise, without success. Can anyone tell me what his behaviour means as with the strange noise, he makes lots of head bobbing but not all of the time.


I'm wondering if it is because he is hungry? At the moment we are having a battle with food as Diego only wants to eat apple and melon and will not consider eating anything else. Before I was giving in worrying that he was going to be ill not eating and giving him a bowl full of his favourite food. Now, I have restricted these foods as a treat only, but he is really not wanting his normal food no matter how many other fresh veg or fruit I give him.


I've uploaded a video of Diego, so that maybe someone may be able to shed some light on it. I also know that African Greys can be picky eaters so maybe someone maybe able to help me with getting Diego onto a varied diet.


Here's Diego's video, his wings are a bit wet as he had not long before had a mist :)



Thanks everyone :)

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Hi, What is Diego's complete diet? I'll chance to say he's hungry, Most Zon's are great eater's.. To much fruit can cause problem's, Melons are mostly Sugar and water, so a bird can show a false since of energy. Our Zons love this recipe I,m posting here, If he won't eat some pellet's give him a good sunflower seedless mix, I use "Volkman's and Royal large Hookbill" to get him stimulated. I would get Zupreem formula" and see if he will eat some of that! A Zon is famous for stopping their formula then starting up again.. Some eat it till there 22+ weeks old. Make it per instructions, keep temperature below 108 degree's and above 100. Feed him with a spoon, make 60cc's worth of it, even if he eats only 15-20cc's, that's a lot of food.....Formula also stimulates eating other food.... Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update


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Thanks Jayd for your response. I kinda thought it was his way of begging for food.


When we first got him the breeder kept saying to me make sure he has his apples and melon. I was like ok, but what else are you feeding him? He kind of skirted around this question and kept mentioning the apples because he is used to a fruit diet. As I was not happy giving him just fruit, the breeder gave me a bag of dry fruit, nut and seed mix. Going away I said to my husband that I would be happier if he was on a pellet based diet but I would give him the mix the breeder had given me for a few days so it was not such a huge change for him.


Since then, he has refused to eat pretty much anything we have put in front of him, including this fruit and nut mix. The only things he eats and absolutely loves is apples and melon oh and a few chickpeas. Because I knew that he could not live indefinitely on just apple and melon I stopped giving it to him during the day and now only give it to him as a treat when training. Quite a few people have said to me that going cold turkey and not giving him any is the best way otherwise he will know that if he keeps holding out I will eventually give in and give him his favourite foods.


Today has been the first day that I have not given in, I've not even given him any of his favourite foods as a treat as the training was non existent, just him desperately trying to get into my hand to find where the treats were. He has eaten a little of the fruit and nut mix that I have given him as well as some green and red peppers and chickpeas.


A Zon is famous for stopping their formula then starting up again.. Some eat it till there 22+ weeks old.


This is really interesting what you have said Jayd, as I actually said to my husband today that I wondered if he was weaned to young. I think I will leave it one more day with cutting out the favourite foods and see if he starts eating more otherwise I will start on the formula.


I'm loving this forum by the way, it's got loads of great advice and info! :)

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Your doing wonderful.......KEEP doing what your doing, Chick peas [garbanzo beans] are great!! you could try, Lentils, Split Peas, cooked medium. When you feed him his mix, start removing some of the dried fruit, 5 or 6 pieces a day are enough.. Veggies, grains, [brown rice] and legumes should be the largest part of your baby's diet, followed by pellets and seeds, then fruit etc. Seed's, including 1/2 teaspoon of sunflower [after he's eating!], are great for our parrot,but they need all the other fresh food to make them complete! Here's a good thread:http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?177551-An-Amazon-s-Worst-Enemy/page2




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OK, I really took on board what you said about the formula feeding I had an idea. I thought I would try giving Diego some mushed up banana in a plastic syringe. Banana is a food that he will not eat and has many times taken it from me then once it's in his mouth he literally throws it at me. My thinking was that if he took it from the syringe willingly then this may indicate that he wants some formula. So I gave it to him and he went mad! When he had finished it (it was only a small bit) he was almost frantic when I took the syringe away. I had an idea as it is late here in Spain and so I cannot get any formula until tomorrow but he was obviously ravounous, so I blended into a pureé the following:


Some soaked organic branflakes

A few soaked cranberries and sultanas

1 Brasil nut which had been ground into a powder

Some banana

A little warm pre boiled water


I used these things as they were included in the fruit and nut mix the breeder gave me to give him. I gave it to him in a syringe and he went mad for it, I could have cried as he was sooooo hungry! I'm thinking that he must have digressed with his eating on his own or the breeder has not properly weaned him before selling him.


My questions now are:


Would you from this also think he has digressed?

If yes can he be fed pureéd food of what he should be eating or would it be better to give formula again?

Can I overfeed him whilst being given formula, or will he stop when he has had enough? (even though he seemed like he could have eaten much more I stopped, scared that he could be overfed)

How long does a digression like this normally take, will it be days before he's eating on his own again or much longer?

How do I start getting to eat food on his own again?


Thank you so much for your replies Jayd, I feel you could have saved the day on this one as I would hate to think what would have happened if this was not spotted!


By the way after his feed he seems a very happy and contented little boy :)

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That's great, your baby needs formula, try the smash recipe I gave you and cut down on the fruit. Your baby will stop eating when he's full, Yellow or Red Sweet-potato, [cut, put in pan, fill 1/2 full with water, cook till mushy] then we add to 1 tbsp: Natural unsweetened Applesauce, or, mashed Fresh Pear,[1 thin slice], or, 1 slice of Banana, to this we ad 1/4 teasp of "Natural Peanut Butter" [skippys], mix it all together, warm it in a microwave,[under 110 degrees].Try feeding this on a plate with a spoon. 30-60cc's is normal morning and night... Keep Pellet/seeds available at all times, fresh veggies and 1 or 2 pieces of fruit in the afternoon, a 1/4 slice of good whole wheat bread is good to. Did you read the "Abundent" feeding post? He should, after a while, cut down on the formula and switch over to regular food. It's better if you feed only the formula with a syringe, you don't want him to expect all his food by syringe. I personally feel you should switch to a food with out the dried fruit, and use it only as a treat.

Your doing fantastic!!


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Jayd I really can't tell you how thankful I am to have found you on this forum, your advice is amazing! I will do as you say with the formula and introducing the other foods. I have read the posts you gave me links to and have read a lot of information regarding this prior to getting him. I think I was desperate to see him eating that I was trying everything to entice him.


Sorry one more question, is the smash recipe the formula or is this an addition? Unfortunately here in Spain sweet potatoes are difficult to come by, instead they have something called a yucca. This is not a form of potato but a root of a tree and if not cooked properly contains cyonide. I'm not happy to give him this so is there something else I can substitute the sweet potato with?

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White potatoes, Broccoli, Squash – peeled and steamed zucchini, acorn, spaghetti, butternut, yellow,,Carrots.You can take a combination of equal amount,[what you can get] except white potato, just a little of it, in place of the yam/sweet potato, make it the same way. No, this is 'Daily food, all our bird's eat this every day. I don't known what kind of formula you can get, Zupreem is my favorite, I don't like Kaytee Exact. Your smart about yucca. Along with Formula feed him this.

Thanks Jayd

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Fantastic, I will get cooking tomorrow for him and also buy some formula.


I think I will make sure that my husband and I take turns in giving him the formula so he does not form an attachment to just one of us. Like I said before I can't thank you enough, I would hate to think what state he would have ended up with if I had just kept trying with the normal food. Diego sends a great big spanish besito (kiss) for understanding him from the video lol.


I will keep you updated with how he is getting on :)

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Alls going well here. Diego has been going great guns with his eating, he has even been having a go at some of his seed and nut mix. I have come to a conclusion with why he may have digressed with his weaning. After watching him he is not very good at getting the seeds out of their shells or eating anything that has to be ground a little in his beak. Most of it falls onto the floor when he's having a go at eating it. My theory is although he was confident at having a go at eating normal food, he was unable to fill himself up as most of it was not eaten. This led to him being hungrier which made him frustrated that he was not skilled enough to eat his normal food. The closest way I can describe it is feeling like your starving with a tin of tomatoes in front of you but a tin opener that does not work properly. I think he was getting so frustrated with it, that he just gave up but kept with the apple and melon as this was pretty easy to eat. Now that his tummy is full by following your advice Jayd, he is now far more relaxed when eating his normal food and looking at it as more of a training exercise to get those fiddly seeds out of their shells. I suppose it's like a child that is given a tool like a pen, then will never pick it up and straight away paint a picture of a house but need to practise a lot beforehand.


The change in Diego is huge in just one morning of having a full tummy. Instead of his constant baaaaaaring, he is now making cute little chattering sounds to himself. He's also not so frantic when seeing us, although with the food it has also given him a new found confidence and instead of being all friendly all of the time just to get some food is now showing us some new body language and now acting the big man lol.

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Your deductions are very good.. I do not feel that the breeder properly weaned Deigo, I think he tossed some mix and fruit in his cage, and cut him off formula...to sell him! A Amazon you usually don't worry about them eating, they never stop!LOL The breeder probably tossed some mix and fruit in his cage, and stopped the formula, to sell him, Diego wasn't ready, and needed more food. No better treatment then he's receiving now, could any Zon wish for..Bless you!!! GO DIEGO GO!!!!

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Hi :)


Diego is doing fantastic! He soooooo much happier now that he has a fully tummy, he even chomped his way through his green peppers and red peppers I gave to him this afternoon. He seems so much more confident in every way and being a real sweety. Tonight he fell asleep to both myself and my husband giving him a scratch, something he let us do before but you could tell he was tolerating it rather than enjoying it.


To show how much he loves his smash combos here's a video of my youngest son hand feeding him. Charlie and Diego seem to be getting on really well together and often play together with the toys. I think Diego is getting attached to Charlie as he is a very gentle child who has a lot of patient's with him.



I will keep you posted with his progress :)

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Bless you, your doing such a wonderful job, I'm so proud for you...The head bobing and noise Deigo is making is baby feeding, I think Diego was weaned to early, he looks good....What are you feeding him? Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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What are you feeding him?


In this video he was having butter beans, sweet corn and peas (which I researched was high in Vitamin A)


For breakfast, he is having your smash recipe but with a little normal potato rather than the sweet potato. I weighed him this morning and he 490 grams, within the guidelines but at the higher end. I'm going to start, giving him less of the fruit and nut mix that I leave in his cage for him and start giving him the pellets. I have already stopped giving him berries like you suggested Jayd and am going to keep them and the seeds as his treats and a now and again food. Am I right in thinking that a pellet diet supplemented with fresh fruit and veg for evening and breakfast is the best for him? What do others normally feed their Amazons during a day?

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Thank you so much. if I may, corn shouldn't be given to offten and both butter beans [any large beans] should be fully cooked] corn should also be cooked and feed once or twice a week. For the afternoon, put fresh chunks of Carrot, Broccoli, Zucchini, a Green Leafy Veggie,[kale, turnip greens, carrot tops, dandelion greens, mustard greens] what ever you can get, and change daily. Fruit, once or twice a week.His weight should stay around where he is, not to many nut's, fruits, more veggies to keep it there.Try some Chick Peas [garbanzo beans] Mung beans, [cooked] served room temp. Feeding should be: Veggies the most, then legumes and grains,[brown rice] pellets and seeds at all times in his cage, and a little fruit. Eggs extra hard boiled,[shell and all] 1/2 egg twice a week, plus all the other good foods.

Ok people, Tell Diego what your Zon's eat!!!!!


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Thanks for the list Jayd, the beans were all cooked well and nice and soft. He loves garbanzos which is great as I am always soaking and cooking them here. Am I right in thinking that anything that is pretty sweet should be limited and that is why corn should also be kept to a minimum?


Today, Diego had his morning smash for breakfast, this afternoon lettuce, shredded carrot and green peppers, then for dinner a mash made of zucchini, tomato and garbanzos. Although he ate much less of his dinner then previous evenings but I have noticed his food intake during the afternoon so am happy that he is starting to fill himself up rather than depending on his smashes lol.


Interesting about keeping the shell on the egg, is this for the calcium?

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Thanks for the list Jayd, the beans were all cooked well and nice and soft. He loves garbanzos which is great as I am always soaking and cooking them here. Am I right in thinking that anything that is pretty sweet should be limited and that is why corn should also be kept to a minimum?

Today, Diego had his morning smash for breakfast, this afternoon lettuce, shredded carrot and green peppers, then for dinner a mash made of zucchini, tomato and garbanzos. Although he ate much less of his dinner then previous evenings but I have noticed his food intake during the afternoon so am happy that he is starting to fill himself up rather than depending on his smashes lol.

Interesting about keeping the shell on the egg, is this for the calcium?

Great, Yes, corn has very little food value, plus sugar, you might want to substitute a green leafy veggie in place of lettuce, it's mostly water, except romaine, but greens are better, tomatoes, should be given sparingly, not good for parrots, yes shells are great in helping calcium intake. Quote:fill himself up rather than depending on his smashes un-Quote: The Smash should be his main source of nutrient twice a day, followed by fresh Veggies etc..I will post some links for you in a little while, have to feed our fid's,,,,LOL Jayd

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