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computer help section ??


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i have noticed in the off topic section posts relating to computer help, how do i post pics, attatch files etc , i was wondering if it would be of any help having a dedicated section for computer problems ? if i could help i would & im sure others would help also, now im no computer genius by a long shot but i am admin on other forums, also mod, & in the process of starting a new forum for gamers ( although i dont play ) , music, movies etc & have a dedicated server with a m8 in france running on ubuntu , just a thought as some peoples computer knowledge is limited due to work etc, i dont just mean problems with the forum i mean in general, anyway just a thought !!

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there are tutorials in the Photography Room, and the Welcome Room and the Forum Feedback Room as well. I am in the process of putting these all in order together, but until that time....I'm afraid you'll have to go exploring thru the rooms. ")

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i dont want them , i meant for others lol


I knew what you meant Steve but to tell the truth we do need a new tutorial for posting pictures as the directions given in the present one is for the old forum and this one is somewhat different, maybe TalonSis could work on that for us.

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